Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Last Blog Entry

Hi folks,

It was a wonderful class overall. You may be young in years but not young in the deeper sense and there is so much life and adventure waiting for you to be unfolded and created. I created this last post for you to share ideas and who know, maybe it will not be the last.... but the river of life goes on my dear friends and the stream is strong and swift...

Much Love,


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Final Project Groups

Here are the groups for the final project. These groups should also make there Monday Math Fair in Emerson presentation together as well. INjoy!!! (yes i mean "IN"joy)

1. Vincent, Bekah
2. Joshua
3. Jason, Amanda, Amiee
4. Crissie, Joe, Jahna
5. Frank, Jon
6. Junior, Colleen, Megan
7. Steve
8. Kelly
9. Tati, Kristy, Maureen

Friday, November 30, 2007

Ideas for final project

Use this post to share ideas: This is what i wrote:


I wanted to remind you that I created lots of help for you on seelogo.

Simply go to lessons and click on Math Art.

Both for the previous stuff and dynamic Art. I know you will apprecaite it and enjoy playing with it.

Here is also another suggestion for groups to play with (some more technical people can help with the computer and others with suggestions etc.)

I click on the abc button, chose a color and wrote the text" My first Semester: it it came in big black letter on the screen. I then tyoe Flash 0.1 It (thanks to David and Josh!!)

What you saw in the "left brain" that is the editor was something like:
flash 0.1 [COLOR BLUE[GT -143 26 STRETCH 127% [SIZE 240% [WR "My first Semester" ]]]

Now comes the fun part:

Every number you see in this program can become a variable and even the words themselves "My first Semester" can change.

Remember that 127% = 1.27 etc.

so if you change this programs to something
local t x y s etc
loop 100000 [t=t+1/100000 x=___ y=____ s=____ etc..
flash 0.1 [color blue [GT x y STRETCH s [SIZE 240% [WR "My first Semester" ]]

If you play with different functions you can make amazing things happen.

You can also change the colors instead of blue write RGB c1 c2 c3 where c1 c2 c3 are functions...


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Final Project Update

Easy, Med, Thought Provoking. For each please submit to the appropriate folder located on the Q: drive (i.e. easy) a seelogo demonstration and a .doc (Microsoft word document) explaining the seelogo demonstration.

Easy: Due Nov. 29

Medium: Due Dec. 4

Thought Provoking: Due Dec. 6

Journals (that everybody kept up with, right?): Due Dec. 6

Enhance your "Thought Provoking" from what you feel in your soul You do not have to hand in a word document explaining what it means. It's like real life, you have to be able to back up what you say, but there are always things that sometimes we just don't understand'.

Presentation: Dec 10th

Suggested Guidelines for paper:
1. Experience as a freshman
2. About the course (Seelogo)
3. Reflection
*. Pros & Cons about the course, suggestions for improvement...

Paper: Due December 18th @ 10:30am (final project time)

There is a forum planned with pizza and good times. You may bring your paper to talk about your experiences as a 1st year at Ithaca College.

December 18th @ 10:30am

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

final project

FINAL PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Easy: Due Nov. 29

Medium: Due Dec. 4

Thought Provoking =0 : Due Dec. 6

Journals (that everybody kept up with, right?): Due Dec. 6

Presentation: Dec 10th

Final Paper: Due Dec. 13
Guidelines for paper:
1. Experience as a freshman
2. About the course (Seelogo)
3. Reflection

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Practice for test for next week (Thursday)

Here are some questions that you may want to practice. The only HW this weekend is to complete the assignment and practice for the test.

The best way to learn is to try to do it on your own. When needed look at the solution (first comment) and then try again. Write notes. Once you get it do not stop there. Come back to it later and do it again until you start feeling really good inside. It will be such an enjoyable experience at the end. :)

1. Can you explain in your own words the meaning of the commands and why do we need themm:
A. local t x y etc.
B. t=t+1/10000
C. loop
D. x=100*t jt x x
E. r=circle 100*t

2. Make a small program w/o looking ta any notes that moves a small circle from:

A. (0,0) to (100,0)
B. (20,100) to (80,100) How would you slow it down by a factor of 3?
C. (100,100) to (0,0)
D. (15,60) to (-120, 110) How would you make sure the answer is correct?
I suggest to practice with D a lot by picking up your own points and testing yourself.

3. Make a small program that moves a small object chaning colors randomly around a circle of radius 120 5 times around the center of the screen
If master this up to here you are a B student on this material. If you want go further.

4. Modify the previous program so that it creates a spiral rather than a circle and turns around the center 3 times

5. Make a program that moves two points at the same time from (100,100) and (-100,-100) and meet at the origin and then make the spiral of life explode

6. Make a program that moves a point from (0,0) to (100,0) and then from (100,0) to (100,100)

7. Move an object along a line segment hence and forth 5 times <------------>

8. Play with colors that change smoothly and not randomly

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Labyrinth design

Please try to decipher the code in the picture so that will match the actual Labyrinth that can be found in:

The puzzle is to find the connection between the code at the top of the picture and the actual picture.
