Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tasks (in and out of class) for first lesson

  1. DownLoad SeeLogo from (pick the new Java version) does not work on Macs yet since you need Java 6. If you cannot load it on your own machine you will come to the lab to do work/play or down load it on a friends computer. (Out of class)

  2. Review of what we did last time and before (in class, students)

  3. Finish Lessons/MathArt/Activity 1 (the third problem, of the stairs)

  4. Students

  5. Write in your notebook or your google blogger (much better) a summary in your own words of the commands we learned so far. and anything else you learned.


Summarize what you learned in the first lesson


Anonymous said...

I hope this is where I'm supposed to write, it seems like the right place. Anyway, my computer was the only one in class today that failed to work correctly. I actually need to go get that taken care of, I just remembered. But, I did take a lot of notes, and wrote down all the commands so far that I've learned. I also wrote down the steps to downloading Java 6.0 and SeeLogo onto my computer, which I just finished doing, and I seemed to have done it correctly surprisingly. So, I guess I'll just leave this with the commands that I've learned so far because I'm pretty sure that was the assignment...

BOX (width first, then height)
CIRCLE (plus diameter)
NEW P1 (or another name)
REPEAT (plus number of times)
RT to rotate right
LT to rotate left
FD forward
IT includes everything that is on the screen I'm pretty sure?

And also today Dani and Mike both said that through this class they wanted to show that there are many ways to communicate and interpret things.


Dani said...

Hi Tati,


Thanks for being the first one to leave a comment. I hope that other people will also write their Email so I can answer in person.

I hope that you figure out the computer problems soon.

The answers were good and I do want also more details, for example, how do you make the first picture.

I am very happy with your progress!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Second person to blog! So today i only had one class and got to sleep in until 8. That was nice. But i had a hectic morning trying to get my car registered here at Ithaca College. The line of people was out the door so if anyone is planning on registering their car, i advise you to have at the least 1/2 an hour of free time for standing in line! On the brighter side of my day, i thought today's seminar was neat. I like the SeeLogo program. I already have it on my computer. I downloaded it the first day we had the seminar. Today in the seminar class i learned these many new commands: BOX, CIRCLE, FD, RT, REPEAT, IT [which repeats everything you already typed in], LT, RENAME and ERASE. I think that Mike and Dani said they would like to know what i learned outside of class today or in other class so i will briefly touch on what else i learned today although it is not much because after class i went right home. On my way home though, i learned that the road department has no consideration for the public well being, EVENTHOUGH they are supposed to be doing their jobs to benefit the people. The road department put tar and stone on my road and they decided that they are not going to sweep it off for a while and let it ruin peoples cars. Other than that, i am about to go learn some Calculus homework and Psychology. :)

Dani said...


Remember to write your email address at the end of your posting.

Thanks, --Dani

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my little P.S. with everything I forgot...

my email address is

I've spent the last hour or two in my room playing around with SeeLogo, I've gotten to number 5, and I've found them to be progressively harder, but still really fun.

I don't really want to write out specifically how I did each one, that's possibly something we could do during class.

-Tati (again) :)

Anonymous said...

OK well third to comment aint so bad...SeeLogo is not that hard for me its mostly common sence but once we go on further it will get progressively harder. I am up to the second spiral one, and i am having trouble with it. Today Iearned the box command as wel as NEW, CIRCLE, FD, RT, REPEAT, RENAME, ERASE, and IT. It was a very informative day and i am so glad that i am taking it. I cannot wait to take a trip to the gorges.
~Jason Zweig

Anonymous said...

PS my email adress is

Anonymous said...

Hi Dani,

Forgot my email address yesterday. My Ithaca email is but i use my hotmail address more which is said...

I thought we had to do our blogs on the google blog website?

Anonymous said...

Among the commands covered on Aug. 30 were BOX, FD, RT, CIRCLE, RENAME, AND REPEAT, all of which I was able to use with moderate ease. As for my overall college experience, I can't help but feel I'm excluding myself from the ideal of college life. While I do try to not be cooped up in my room too much, I still end up doing solitary things like reading on a bench or playing 9-ball or Yahtzee by myself in the rec room. This isn't to say that I don't try to get involved; I do intend on joining a few student organizations like the Crew team and ASIC. However the social consensus implies that I should be out partying or at some other social gathering every other night already rather than chilling out in my room. I want to be more sociable but I don't want to force myself on people either.
-Josh S,

Anonymous said...

Heyy!! I'm really enjoying this seminar class so far, just listening to Dani talk about life is awesome. Anyway, the see logo exercises were pretty easy, at least the commands were. I like how you have to kind of solve a puzzle when executing an exercise. Learning how to draw a box and a circle, or rotating the line left and right, is only half of the experience. The main component is using those commands to solve a problem. It was fun.
College life so far is pretty cool. I got involved with WICB, which is Ithaca's radio station. I went on a scavanger hunt this weekend, and had to pull down my pants in front of the Cornell University sign. It was a lot of fun. The people there are really nice and welcoming. I'm pretty excited to DJ.
Well, I guess that's it.
-Joe Werner (

Unknown said...

Hi everyone! here are my notes from class:

Establishing SeeLogo: first google and download Java 6.0 onto the computer, then go
to and download and open SeeLogo

Here are the new features of SeeLogo:
A box: BOX width height
Circle: CIRCLE diameter
Forward Line: FD
Turn Right: RT then the degrees of the turn
ex 1.)REPEAT 4[FD 20 RT 90 FD 20 LT 90]
ex 2.)complete the action then REPEAT 4 IT


Unknown said...

Hi guys, it's Kerry. (email: First I'd like to apologize for being so slow! I've been having some pretty bad allergy stuff going on. Thursday evening I started getting hives all over my body, and by Friday I was swelling up. Since then up until this evening (Monday) I've been pretty doped up on Benadryl and unable to do anything but drag around and sleep, so this whole weekend was pretty much a wash on all accounts. This evening is going to be devoted to all the homework I haven't done yet, so nothing meaningful will be happening tonight, either, but my symptoms have cleared up and I'm off the pills, so by tomorrow I should be back to my usual self again. I'm really looking forward to class tomorrow. I think it will help me return to life.

I just downloaded SeeLogo and hope I get the chance later tonight to play with it, but for right now I'm only familiar with the commands we learned during class Thursday. Here's my list:

BOX A B: draws a box of width A and height B
CIRCLE C: draws a circle of diameter C
FD D: moves turtle forward D units
RT E: turns turtle E degrees clockwise
LT F: turns turtle F degrees counterclockwise
ERASE: erases everything on screen
REDRAW: makes screen current with commands listed
RENAME: create a new name for the file
REPEAT G [commands to be repeated]: repeats commands in brackets G times
IT: everything in command list

That's all I got! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow (especially the ones of you I haven't met yet!). Ciao.

Anonymous said...

Well, as far as SeeLogo commands. Here are the ones I learned so far.


Other than that, to be completely honest, I really am confused as to the objective of this seminar. Not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be getting out of it, hopefully it will be enriching.

Anonymous said...

This is my journal entry from the first official day of classes..... After we split into the first 3 groups, each section began its own unique mini-class. I was fortunate enough to be with the "grandfather" of our class, Ed, who discussed passionately with us a number of interesting points. Try as I may to recapitulate the main points of our discussion, it is impossible to do so with the same energy and spark as did Ed.
It began with a brief story of how Ed and Dani met, and found similar literary and spiritual curiosities. Ed then spoke about his experience as a professor at Cornell and his unique view of the way education should really be structured. In an environment that fosters a community of learners, rather than a competative individualized group of students, Ed expressed, students would be set up for a better experience. He talked about how often the teacher is the bad guy who simply dishes out judgement. Ed felt the ideal teacher has a lot to learn from a coach who is always on the teams side, yet still molds a successful team who is ready to win.
Emphasis was on proactive learning rather than reactive. "go change ithaca, don't wait for it tto change you."

Anonymous said...

anddd i forgot my email is

Anonymous said...

Establishing SeeLogo: first google and download Java 6.0 onto the
computer, then go to and
download and open SeeLogo
This is a note by Maureen McAliney
Here are the new features of SeeLogo:
A box: BOX width height
Circle: CIRCLE diameter
Forward Line: FD
Turn Right: RT then the degrees of the turn
ex 1.)REPEAT 4[FD 20 RT 90 FD 20 LT 90]
ex 2.)complete the action then REPEAT 4 IT

Anonymous said...

Today I learned to use FD, RT, RENAME, ERASE, IT and REPEAT on SeeLogo. I also learned how to properly download SeeLogo and Java 6 properly. I already talked to my roommate and she said I can use her computer to download SeeLogo since I have a Mac.
I am starting to realize the artistic side of math. I hope that by the end of the semester I will have formed a new appreciation for math.

Anonymous said...

I know this is late and I might be the last to blog what we learned last week. I have been enjoying the weekend and enjoying my first week in Ithaca. I went to the gorges on Sunday and have been doing tons of work in between. Kind of a bummer i need to wake up and go to class tomorrow :( My e-mail address is If i remeber correctly we learned; box,circle,foward,right,repeat,new,rename,erase,and it. see you all in class tomorrow at 10:50!!

Anonymous said...

Today in class we covered a few things in SeeLogo. We learned commands that help us to create shapes. The shapes are created by breaking them down into smaller parts.

Here are the list of commands learned:
- REPEAT (amnt of times) [command u want repeated]
- CIRCLE (diameter)
- RT (rotate right)
- LT (rotate left)
- FD (go foward)
- IT (does everything that you previously did, a shortcut to repeat)

One of the first things we covered was how to download java and SeeLogo. We also learned that the brain cannot tell the difference in what its learning. Any kind of stimulation to the brain is good and helps it to work better.

bekah k said...

I sort of wrote mine on my own blog? if that's alright?

Anonymous said...

I am slowly but surely starting to figure out the SeeLogo program. In class i learned how to create various pictures using different math concepts. I rotated the cursor 90 degrees and used the repeat command to save time and energy so the drawing would apear again to create stairs. I really enjoy puzzles and problem solving and i am excited to see what happens in the future with this class and these different puzzles, as they will probably get more difficult each day.

-Aimee Lillienstein

Megan said...

In calls we learned many new commands.
They were:
BOX (width, height)
CIRCLE (diameter)
NEW ____ (the ___ is where the name goes)
RT # to rotate the amount of degrees right
LT # to rotate the amount of degrees left
FD # to go forward

V said...

In class we learned how to use FD, RT, LT, REPEAT, and IT and negative values to make a stairstep. We talked about how to download SeeLogo onto a PC (sadly) and why it doesn't work on a Mac. journal is a that ok?

Anonymous said...

In class I learned how to download the java 6 version and the seelogo program which I did on my laptop as soon as I could. I also learned the following commands:
RENAME-creates a new name
BOX-creates a box by typing in the dimentions
CIRCLE-creates a cirlce by the length of the diametet
ERASE-deletes the current project
NEW P1-creates a new procedure
REPEAT-redoes the typed in command the number of times specified
RT-roates right by the number of degrees entered
LT rotates left by the number of degrees entered
FD forward
IT everything in the command list

P.S. Sorry this is late but the internet connection for my laptop just got fixed so this is the earliest I could do it. I tried on my roomate's/classmate's laptop but it didn't work.
