Sunday, September 30, 2007

week 9/30 hw due october 7 5:00 pm

This week we will review and explain the seelogo picture problems.

You are asked to do the following 3 pictures: Mastery levels:
1. 75% 2. 85% 3. 100%




Thursday, September 27, 2007

Twin Class & You

Activities to do during labyrinth.

Partial plan for today and activities for the weekend

1. Meaning and definition of Fibonacci sequence

2. Definition and meaning of Golden Rectangle

3. Creating a movie in seelogo that shows the connection between the two in a visual way.

It displays the Fibonacci sequence slowly (using the WAIT command, also
local x y z repeat GOMV WRNUM ?)
possibly writes some explanations (using JT and WR commands)
uses the answer to define the dimension of the golden rectangle and draws it
creates art based on golden rectangle.

Look forward to read what happened over weekend.

Short Movie that an IC student created

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Animation film

One aspect of the class is to learn about Fractals and Ed emailed me an article about a movie that that Cornell students Created. I am posting the article as the first response to this and the link to the movie is:

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Fish Dog Hippo (2) Cockatiel Praying Mantis Penguin tion Turtle Panda koala Gorilla D.1ph in (2) Chinchilla Cat Fox Manatee

Trip Plans

Hi guys! It's Kerry, pretending to be Dani. Following are all the plans Mike and I have worked on. Please reply to this post with your full name, so we can keep track of who has responded, and the numbers corresponding to which trips you are planning on joining us for (so, for example, since I am going on all three trips, my post could just be "Kerry Pinnisi 1 2 3". If I only wanted to go on the Johnson trip, my post would look like "Kerry Pinnisi 2" - although you can write more than that if you like). Here are the trips:

1. Saturday the 22nd, 11:00 to 1:00 pm, meeting in front of Hood in the upper quads at 11. We will be going to the Ithaca Farmer's Market, a great place where you can buy tasty local produce, handmade art and jewelry, eat food, and lots of other sweet stuff. It's an outdoor market by the lake, so it's a really beautiful and peaceful place. I have room in my car for 4. Mike might not have a car, so if more than four people are interested, we can talk about it.

2. Sunday the 23, from 2 to 4, meeting at 2 in front of Hood. We are going to the Johnson museum to see the sand mandala. I believe I've already spoken with as many people as I have room for in my car, but if you are also interested, speak up and we will try to figure out another form of transportation.

The MS Benefit concert, sponsored by D.A.N. is also that day, from 2 to 5 in IC Square (aka the pub). Since most of you will not be going on the Johnson trip, swing by and support Mike/D.A.N.!

3. Apple Fest! Saturday the 29, 1 to whenever people feel like leaving, meeting at 1 in front of the metal horse statue (you'll see it) at the State Street pavillion. If you get lost, ask people to point you towards Evolution (a great local clothing store right next to the pavillion. It that has a lot of good alternative type styles for pretty cheap, you should check it out). Lots of extremely tasty apple-related foods will be for sale, as well as other things (I recommend checking out the apple dumplings from the Amish stand - they're so good my mom and I made a tradition out of it, we share one every year.) It will be crowded. Bring money, there will be lots of good stuff for sale (food, crafts - it's a good time to stock up on presents for people). You will also be able to see what the local population is like en masse. Also, all the stores on the Commons will be open (ask me where the good spots are!). People are arranging their own transportation for this.

That's all so far! I am excited, hope you are too. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are coming.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

HW Due Sunday 9/23 5:00 pm

Your task is to master the programs that make the pictures in:

There are 10 pictures and each one can be made using SeeLogo commands. You can use ideas from other students but the final goal is for YOU to master and feel the mathematics behind the picture and explain how you did it in your own words. Test yourself by doing it without looking at any other person work before you write down your own answers in the blog.

You can use any SeeLogo commands you want and do the pictures in more than one way.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Activities Update #1

Our class is down for 7:00pm on 9/19 in the Emerson Suites to hear a speaker on Diversity.

The October 29th noon class is about preregistering for classes. You also are signed up for Clark lounge on

12/3 at noon for a discussion about preparing for finals.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ultimate Truth and the World Map

On Thursday we took a look at how we perceive the world, through our eyes, our comprehension, and our "facts".

Is math culturally bound? Can Math truly serve as a universal language? Is there even such a thing as a "universal language"?

Please think about these questions and comment.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Miscleneous information for students

There are three major events that we are asked to participate in:

0. Tuesday, September 19, 7:00-9:00 Diversity workshop Emerson Suits
1. Thursday, September 27, 7 - 8pm Concert in the Hocket room in the Music school
2. Tuesday, October 23rd, 7:00 -8:30pm Emerson (Sustainability)
3. Monday, October 29, 12:00 noon Clark.
4. December 10th, Emerson (Noon?)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

SeeLogo and Calculus

The purpose of this blog is to explore ways to use SeeLogo to learn and understand ideas from calculus intuitively.

Dani will show the group of interested students some ideas.

Mostly in the package Lessons/Calculus/Function tool

Monday, September 10, 2007

NEW HW due By Sunday 9/16 12:00 pm

1. Imagine that you type
growby 20% 30000 [box 50 50]

A. How many squares there are? Explain why.
B. what is the width of the second and third squares?
C. What would you type to make the second square red and the third yellow?
D. What is the width of the 20th square (the first one is of width 50)

2. Look at the definition of the STARSK command and test it. Explain it to someone. Explain and give many examples of the STARSK command and feel it.
A. Imagine you type STARSKIP 1 5 STARSKIP 2 5
How many triangles can you count?
B. Type: starsk 1 7 starsk 2 7 starsk 3 7
then type SIZE 3 IT (What does the SIZE command do?)
C. Copy the program and explain how it works
local x
repeat 4 [
starsk x 9 x=x+1]
Isn't the picture beautiful?

Now recreate the same program but without looking and explain the logic. Instead of the number 9 use the number 11. How would you make the picture three times as big? Color the picture and save it (use the green box in the tool box to fill colors). You are starting to come closer to the Divine proportion in an infinite dimension. Have fun. I will explain in class. Stay tuned

Planning for September 11, 2007

I am not going to tell you exactly what will happen today but I would like to teach you some beautiful commands and then give you time to explore. Some of you have been learning on your own. So I am asking that you summarize in this blog like usual what you learned today and I will prepare another blog with specific fun puzzle math SeeLogo questions that will tickle your mind.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Personal Sharing Forum

This blog is here to share personal stories and experiences as well as poems or links to other creative works by students in the class.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Weekend September 8-9

Plan a trip to Ithaca. leaders Kerry (kpinnis1@ithaca.ed) and Colleen (cnuldow1@ithaca.ed).


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Activities for Thursday September 7th

Write the answers in the blog:

  1. Find out what is the Fibonacci sequence and write a seelogo program that displays it on the screen.
  2. Save the program in your directory on the Q drive (create your directory first)
  3. Find about the connecting between the Fibonacci sequence and nature and write about it in the blog and include links and you may also present it in the class
  4. Find out what the golden rectangle is and create it in SeeLogo. For example make a picture like this: Save your program in the Q drive and also paste the code in the blog
  5. Find out what the golden triangle is and create it in SeeLogo and Save it

HW for Thursday class due Sunday at 2:00

1. Guess what this program will do and explain why:
local x
repeat 5 [wrnum x x=x+4]

2. Guess what this program will do and explain why:
local x
repeat 5 [wrnum x x=x*2]

3. The program:

local x
repeat 40 [fd x rt 89 x=x+4]

creates an interesting picture. Can you explain why is this so and what is the role of the number 89 in the picture? What is the point of that 89???? Do you like this picture? try changing the number 89 to other numbers. Can you find a rule? This problem is both mathematical and artistic.

4. A. Explain why the last line of the picture is of length (20+39*4)
B. Explain why the program:

local x
repeat 40 [fd x rt 89 x=x+4]
lt 89 color red [bk 20+ 39*4]
jt 1000 0
actually proves it

5. There are three pictures in:
All three pictures are based on the same sequence:
What are the three programs that make them and why. (Create them yourself)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Birthday game

We are looking for a few volunteers to describe the activity, say why what purpsoe and so on.

Plan for Tuesday September 4th

First I want to thank all of you who responded and I think that every one did (Mike will be checking and reporting to me. I think that if we get to a good habit from the start we will be learning a lot. I am asking that you continue commenting on every lessons before the next lesson (late submission will not be accepted since it will not be timely anymore). In addition I am asking that you do keep a personal journal that you will hand me at an appropriate time that could be more general in nature.

So for Today the plan is:

1. Birthday Activity (Mike) ~8 minutes or less
2. Novell account (Mike) 5 minutes
3. SeeLogo (Dani) 50 minutes
4. Envelop activity (Outtdoor Mike) rest of time

In SeeLogo we will do lesson 2 (commands: NEW LOCAL JT WRNUM)
Concepts: Variables, Geometric and Arithmatic Progression
Ideas: Fibbonacci Sequence and Hindu Poets, Golden Section, Golden Recatngle and Triangle, The numbers 72 and 108, Kepler, Recursion
