Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Dalai Lama Visit

Please write what you learned and experienced from the Dalai Lama visit in Ithaca. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

From seeing the Dalai Lama, I definitely got the impression not only that he was incedibly humble, but also that he was very much at peace with the world as a whole. I also took from his lecture the idea that too much focus on one's sense of self is self-destructive.
Overall, it was a very enlightening experience.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Mike said in class the other day...I think a lot of people had very high expectations for the Dalai Lama and when we all learned that he couldn't speak english we were a little disappointed, but it was alright because he is the Dalai Lama.

It was a little hard to follow him, but every now and then he would say something so simple, but made so much sense. Although I was not able to be in his presence, I still felt very honored that he chose to speak at Ithaca.

Unknown said...

Honestly I wasn't expecting much to happen. My first thoughts were "the Dalai Lama is just one random guy, and a political figure at that - how enlightened is he really going to be?". I tend to believe wisdom comes from inside ourselves, so I was skeptical about how much someone else could teach me about life. But when I saw him on tv, it was incredible, and different from what I expected. He has one of the biggest presences and warmest energies I'd ever seen. Maybe it sounds a little strange, but I felt as though other people around me in the audience were uplifted by him. I don't know how much I learned from the presentation itself, but I did learn how much one person's energy can affect another's, even remotley. Did anyone else feel that way?
