Monday, October 22, 2007

Walking the Labyrinth.

The labyrinth is a sacred mathematical and spiritual path that allows one to connect with their soul. Our classes will build the Labyrinth today (10/22/07) and each one of us either alone or with a friend will walk it sometime before 11:00 tomorrow morning (10/23/07). Please use this blog to record and share your experience.


Adam said...

I walked through it. It didn't do anything for me, but I'm a huge nihilist. So that probably has something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

While walking through it, I sort of felt like I was approaching some sort of larger presence, but i wouldn't call it anything with quite as much intensity as Dani described. I'm a left-brained person anyway so I didn't expect anything mind-blowing. jschult3@ithaca.ed

Kamy said...

The labryinth reminds me of when times are difficult, and going deeper and deeper in towards the center makes it seem like it will take forever to get to the end. Eventually, things start to get better and the end of the labyrinth is right there, just as when problems are solved.

Anonymous said...

I helped build the center of the labryinth. I came back later with a few of my friends and had them walk through it with me. I kind of expected it to be ruined, but it looked like a lot of people had 666already had walked through before us so that was cool.

Sarah said...

I felt a sense of something bigger than myself, but it wasn't as intense as I thought it was going to be. It was cool when I saw a bunch of people walking through the labyrinth, though.

Anonymous said...

I walked through it with my friend Susan. First she walked through it and I helped her by showing her how to get around it because she had never done it before. Then I walked through it, but I got a little lost at one point too and she helped me. It's much easier to understand the way when you are looking at the labyrinth from the outside, but while inside it can get a little tricky.
What my friend helped me realize is that I needed her help even though I helped build the labyrinth. In this same way I sometimes need guidance in my life even though I am in change of building it.

Anonymous said...

it was nice to walk through it. the whole time i was thinking about how dani compared it to the journey through college and that was something i really thought about when i went through it

Anonymous said...

i did not have the oportunity to walk through it for i had no time to be able to experience it.
I am Sorry

Anonymous said...

I walked through the labyrinth yesterday after my Astronomy class got out early with a friend I have known since PreK. I am not sure what she received from this experience but I think I learned a lot. When i first walked up to the labyrinth i thought, this isn't so complicated but as i walked it it actually was and took longer than i thought. Walking back out seemed easier to my friend and I. I related this to life. It takes a lot to get "centered" in your life and you will meet many problems along the way that can make it hard to get to your own center. It was easier to walk out because it is easier to go astray or lose your center. I hope that my friend got an experience out of this as well.

Anonymous said...


i walked through the laborynth at 4 am before my radio shift and it was pouring rain, so my laborynth journey was quite dramatic. I apporached the laborynth being upset that i was awake, but eventually it calmed me down and allowed me to accept both the fact that i was awake, and that it was pouring, and then i was ok and began to be happy.

Carrie said...

I walked through the labrinth late last night and attempted to relate it to when times were difficult for me. I was skeptical when i went in, but in the end my experience was not something i expected.

Anonymous said...

I walked through it late last night in the dark. It was kind of significant for me because it was hard to find my way through the labyrinth in the dark just like how it is often to find one's way through life. While I did not feel as strongly as I had hoped while walking through, it was a positive experience for me.

Erica said...

I walked the labyrinth late last night in the dark. It gave me the sense of accomplishing something difficult. I left feeling satisfied that I had over come an obstacle and I was also pretty wet. Walking through the labyrinth at night added something too it that I don't think would have been there during the day. Perhaps a little mystery?

Anonymous said...

I walk through it and i try to relate it to all the times i was having troubles and and when i got to the center i felt free

Megan said...

I walked through the labyrinth with Adam and before I went through it I just took a few deep breaths just to so I could focus on it. I walked through it and I also felt a larger presence. I didn't really feel anything else though.

--Megan Duhancik

Anonymous said...

I did not walk through the labyrinth because it was picked up by the time i planned to walk through it. However, I did walk through one of the smaller ones that we made a few weeks ago. I can see how the labryinth could be a symbol of life. However, I do not believe that our lives are all headed towards one particular set of goals, as the labryinth would suggest. In my mind, the labyrinth doesn't have one path but an infinite number of paths leading to an infinite number of possibilities. It is the choice of the person taking the journey of life where they end up. These goals can be linked together, as numerous as the person desires, or as little as the person desires. It all comes down to the choices we make and what our personal philosophies are. You control your destiny.

Unknown said...

While walking through the labyrinth, it was cool to see where it would take me, just like walking through life seeing where it takes you. It also was about learning how to lead yourself, even when the path isn't always so clear to you. If you take it slow, like I did while walking, you can make it through in any situations which is what i found from the labyrinth also. I walked last night but didn't have time to write yesterday which is why I am doing this now.

Anonymous said...

i walked it late last night with one of my friends expecting nothing except dizziness and weird looks from the people in the fitness center. after walking it i can see how it could relate to life and the journey we take to get to our end goals. the only thing i would disagree with it that our end goals tend to change alot. we could start out wanted one thing to change our mind and go in a different direction. there are many paths that we are able to take. not just one.

Anonymous said...

I walked through it last night and I was wondering if I would feel anything, but I didn't feel much. That's mainly because im not into those kind of things.

Unknown said...

when I walked through it, i can't really say I felt anything extra, but I can see the significance of the design, since you walk towards the heart, away, and finally end up in it. It is a decent metaphor for life

Unknown said...

The walk reminded me of a meditation technique I was taught by an old friend. The idea is to walk as slowly as possible and let your mind wander wherever it wants to go. I always find it really relaxing. I didn't feel as though the labryinth in particular helped me connect with infinity, but it did center me somewhat.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the labyrinth thoroughly. Maybe I will build one in my backyard.
