Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week 10/29 activities

This week we will devote time to plan the Math day on parents weekend and also learn about function and using them to change colors.

Below is a small program that I wrote which is based on the following principle

The Sin ranges from -1 to 1 and the RGB colors take input from 0 to 255 so:
In order to use the SIN function with colors we first need to make it positive (by squaring it) and next we multiply it by 255.

We will
local c1 x y s
loop 100000 [t=t+0.00001
x=100*t y=100*t
jt x y color rgb c1 c1 c1 [circle 20]
x=-100*t y=100*t
jt x y color rgb c1 c1 c1 [circle 20]

Class discussions:

1. What does x=100*t y=100*t do in the program?
2. using more traditional mathematical notation from algebra and calculus. What is the equation
of the two lines.
3. What would you do in the program to add two more lines that will create a dynamic symmetry (everything will look "perfect" and happen at the same time)
4. How would you change the program so that the movement will happen along parabolas (say with an equation like y=x^2 etc...
5. In what other ways can you change colors. Let us discuss it and implement it.
6. What other functions do we know? How to implement them? What other curves can we think about and how can we implement them
7. In what other ways can we change colors creatively?
8. How can we change the sizes of shapes we are doing.

HW for next two weeks:
1. for next week: Summarize in this blog the answers to these questions in your own way and share some ideas and techniques. help others. they will appreciate your creativity.
2. For next week. Come to the Math day even for just a few minutes. If you can help more
3. Two weeks for today. Create your first major math art piece to show to the class and try to add music also. It will be asam (sp?). The name of the directory to save your work is Project_11_11_07


Anonymous said...

1. It determines the locations of the circles on the right.
2. y=abs(100*x)
3. Copy and paste the fifth and sixth lines twice and have one where the x and y functions are both negative and one where only the y function was negative
4. Have t squared in all x and y functions
5. The color could also be determined by replacing rgb and the c1's with “color rnd 512”
6. We also know functions using Sin and Cos which we can use to make circles, spirals, and other similar designs
7. Replacing the c1’s in the initial function with constant numbers
8. Using the size command as well as adjusting certain variables

Unknown said...

1. Assigns the coordinates of the centers of the circles.

2. Line 1 (leftmost line):
Line 2 (rightmost line):

3. add "jt y x color rgb c1 c1 c1 [circle 20]" for both the positive and negative directions.

4. "jt x^2 y color rgb c1 c1 c1 [cirlce 20]" and "jt -(x^2) y color rgb c1 c1 c1 [circle 20]". This works much better if you change the x value to be much smaller, like x=10*t.

5. One way would be to use "color rgb rnd c1 rnd c1 rnd c1" for random color values between 1 and c1. However, there are many other variations on this concept that you could also use (for example, red and blue values could be constant, but green could be variable according to c1, and many other combinations).

6. If we play with Sin and Cos (by making them positive or negative, or by changing the constants they are multiplied by, or by adding values to them, or by multiplying them by each other, to name a few ways), we can come up with lots of different spirals and curves.

7. As I said in my answer to question #5, there are many ways to determine color, using combinations of constants and variables, or combinations of "random" and "not random" values.

8. Replace Circle 20 with a circle of a different diameter, or any other shape you choose.

Anonymous said...

1. The x and the y are both equal to 100 multiplied by time. This means that the x and the y determine the locations of the designs.
5. In class on wednesday we learned to use the command COLOR RND 512 to see random colors on the circle. It was interesting to see after I understood how to do it.
6. We also learned the SIN and COS commands which can also make interesting designs.
7. In class we learned to alter the numbers between 1 and 244 (i think) and the colors would change in pairs from pink and blue to red and black.
8. We can change the size of the pictures by changing the size of the circle and the size of the loop.

...i did not understand how to do numbers 1-4. I hope we go over them in class next week.

Anonymous said...

1.It determines where the patterns are going to be
2. x=y?
3. Copy and paste the last lines 5 and 6 and make it negetive.
4. just square the "t" in all of the functions
5. color rnd 512
6. Sin and Cos functions
7. just use different #s besides 512
8. We can use the size commands.

Anonymous said...

Jahna :

First of all, Math day was wonderful. My parents and I looked at all of the stations and all of the kids who were working on math and everyone seemed to be very into their projects. It was great.

We then finally found Dani who explained his lesson in a way I feel was so clear, and I actually learned a lot about how not to be afraid of see logo from the 10 minutes we were there.

that being said, i have tried to do the homework.

1) this determines the coordinates of the center of the circles

2) y=-x

3,4 i dont understand

5) playing with colors we could implement color rnd _____ and a number of your choice to get a random assortment of colors

6) sin and cos changes the designs and shapes

7) ?

8) at first when i did this homework I just used the Size command because that seems to make sense if you want to change the size of an object...but now im wondering what would happen if we used growby?

Unknown said...

1.)Determines both the length of the lines of the v formation and the circles
2.)y=100xt , but i am really not sure if this is correct
3.) by copy and pasting the 2 x and y equations, and then changing the 1st y equations to equal -x and the 2nd y to equal +x
4.) that would be possible by having t squared for all the functions
5.) turn rgb and the "c1"s to "color rnd 512" to get an array of random colors
6.)we can play with cos and sin: by increasing and decreasing the numbers in the equation and/or changing the signs form positive to negative or visa versa
7.)using rgb we can creatively change colors by : rgb [and then instead of the "c1"s insert numbers ]

Unknown said...

hey everyone! Im very sad I was not able to make the math day. I believe my parents would have very much liked to meet Dani and learn more about our amazing classes.

1. x=100*t and y=100*t determines the where the cirlces will be
2.I am not sure about this one.
3.You would copy and paste:
x=100*t y=100*t
jt x y color rgb c1 c1 c1 [circle 20]
and make it negitive.
4. I'm am confused on this one
5. you could write color 512 0 0, or color 0 512 0, or color 0 0 512. We did this in class and i believe its right. It changes the circles red, green, and blue.
6.I really like using spin and mirror to see what happens to pictures i make.
7.this is the same question as number 5.
8.You can change the size of the circles by changing the number of loops it does and by how much you add t to.

Unknown said...

oh heres my email

Anonymous said...

1.) It makes a circle at the 100 coordinate
2.) y = absolute value of x, meaning all positive values of any x coordinate
3.) negate the equations of the lines
4.) in each function, have t be sqaured to make it parabolic. parabolas imply exponentiation
5.) i played around with the number when doing "rgb" so instead of it being 0 0 255 so one color is dominant, i would mix all three colors like 100 100 100 to make an interesting color.
6.) varying the sin and cosine functions enable us to make different curves, multiplying them by different constants and such.
7.)....see question 5?
8.) size percentages can change the size of each shape.
