Friday, November 30, 2007

Ideas for final project

Use this post to share ideas: This is what i wrote:


I wanted to remind you that I created lots of help for you on seelogo.

Simply go to lessons and click on Math Art.

Both for the previous stuff and dynamic Art. I know you will apprecaite it and enjoy playing with it.

Here is also another suggestion for groups to play with (some more technical people can help with the computer and others with suggestions etc.)

I click on the abc button, chose a color and wrote the text" My first Semester: it it came in big black letter on the screen. I then tyoe Flash 0.1 It (thanks to David and Josh!!)

What you saw in the "left brain" that is the editor was something like:
flash 0.1 [COLOR BLUE[GT -143 26 STRETCH 127% [SIZE 240% [WR "My first Semester" ]]]

Now comes the fun part:

Every number you see in this program can become a variable and even the words themselves "My first Semester" can change.

Remember that 127% = 1.27 etc.

so if you change this programs to something
local t x y s etc
loop 100000 [t=t+1/100000 x=___ y=____ s=____ etc..
flash 0.1 [color blue [GT x y STRETCH s [SIZE 240% [WR "My first Semester" ]]

If you play with different functions you can make amazing things happen.

You can also change the colors instead of blue write RGB c1 c2 c3 where c1 c2 c3 are functions...



Dani said...

This is an amazing art that Dani made. To see it just copy and paste to a seelogo editor and click redraw:

I called the program four_elephants, do you know why?

local x y c t
loop 100000 [
spin 4 [
jt x y color rgb c c c [ circle 100] jt 0 0 ]

Dani said...

There was a question:
Colleen and I were wondering if you knew how to make the background color
randomly flash different colors instead of just having one color the
entire time. This is our code that we have been working on so far:

bg 66
growgby -10% 10[
local x y t c
loop 10000 [t=t+1/10000
jt x y color rgb 100 c 200 [circle 10]]jt 0 0

The answer is very simple

Just put the BG inside the GROWGBY loop

growgby -10% 10[ bg rnd 200
local x y t c
loop 10000 [t=t+1/10000
jt x y color rgb 100 c 200 [circle 10]]jt 0 0

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

How long does our final paper have to be? ( the one due on the 18th)
