Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Activities for Thursday September 7th

Write the answers in the blog:

  1. Find out what is the Fibonacci sequence and write a seelogo program that displays it on the screen.
  2. Save the program in your directory on the Q drive (create your directory first)
  3. Find about the connecting between the Fibonacci sequence and nature and write about it in the blog and include links and you may also present it in the class
  4. Find out what the golden rectangle is and create it in SeeLogo. For example make a picture like this: Save your program in the Q drive and also paste the code in the blog
  5. Find out what the golden triangle is and create it in SeeLogo and Save it


Anonymous said...

Today we learned the color command, which gives color to anything we put on seelogo. An example is color red [circle 100]. We learned to use RGB (red, green, and blue) with the color command.
We also learned the RND command or Random command. When I combined the RND and Color command I could see different colors every time I redrew a picture.
We learned RND takes a number as input and RND n outputs a number between 0 and n-1.

Today was a fun day because we got to play around with SeeLogo and start to get a feel for the program. I am happy with the art piece I made today and can't wait to make more. I also got acquainted with the settings on the side of the SeeLogo box such as Repeat and Spin.

Anonymous said...

Today class started off with learning a few new commands. First we learned the color, rgb, and rnd command. the color commands lets us color anything any color we want. rgb (red gren blue)command lets us use any of those colors up to 255 - the higher the number, the more intense. rnd stands for random. when we use that, there has to be a limit set. An example is rnd 8. This means that 8 is the limit but not included.
After learning the new commands we were told to draw different designs and see what we can do. I wasn't that great at it, but other people were really good. They drew circles which gave the illusion of a spiriling effect.

Unknown said...

Here are the commands I have down in my notes from class today:

COLOR n: Turns object the color that corresponds to the number n. Certain numbered colors also have name commands, as in COLOR RED (turns object red).

RGB n q r: Insert numbers between 0 and 255 for any of n (red) q (blue) or r (green), and the image will change color in accordance. A greater number for red makes red brighter, and so on. (Maybe someone else can help me find a better way to phrase this definition? It's a little awkward at this point, as you can see.)

RND n: Generates a random number between 0 and (n-1).

WAIT n: computer waits n seconds before finishing command.

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to leave this in the last post. I have a question for Dani. I'm a little confused as to what we're supposed to be doing with our journals. I haven't written in mine for a few days, because I've been blogging instead, but you said in class that we were supposed to be continuing to use them (the journals). Do I need to do a few entries to make up for the few I haven't done? Just to clarify, the journal is intended for us to write about anything we like, no matter how personal, while the blog is for summaries of classwork, right? Finally, who will be reading our journals at the end of the semester? Thank you for clarifying.

tati said...

I had a lot of fun in class yesterday. It was the first time that we really spent most of class experimenting and learning more about the SeeLogo program. I also learned a few new commands such as COLOR (which sets the color of the picture), RND (creates a random number)..and using both of those I learned that you could create random colors by combining the two. For example: COLOR RND 1000 [CIRCLE 100], would create a circle with a diameter of 100, but also display it in a variety of colors, and the color would change everytime you click redraw, I thought it was really cool.
We also learned that RND takes a number as an input and that RND n outputs a numbers between 0 and n-1.

I also agree with Kerry tho, I'm comfused as to whether I should be writing in an actual journal too...there was some talk about creating journals in class, and there is never really any mention of them anymore so please let me know what I should be doing!

Dani said...

Clarification about journals.

It is all about creativity and energy and you can choose a personal written journal if you'd like, but i do ask you to communicate on the blog because my intent is for the class to know about each other and learn from each other. As far as the paper journal is concerned, you can keep doing it or not, but at the end of the period, you can copy and paste from the blogs what you wrote and add pictures and notes if you want to make it look beautiful.

I have added an additional post where you can share personal contributions.

I hope I've answered your question.

--Dani, novak@ithaca.ed

Megan said...

I am confused.. should we be writing about what we did in class on Thursday for this blog or should we be answering the questions about he Fibonacci sequence?

--Megan Duhancik

Anonymous said...

I'm also confused, like Megan. Do we need to do the things about the Fibonacci sequence and stuff for class on Monday or do we just blog here about last class? I have been sitting here for over an hour now trying to figure out how to make the Fibonacci sequence on SeeLogo and i can not figure it out. Any help Dani? Or will we be talking about this on Monday? Please post back or email me at: cmuldow1@ithaca.ed

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

On thursday we learned some new commands in seelogo. One command we learned was the COLOR command. The way its used is for example typing COLOR RED [BOX 20 20]. We also learned the RGB command. Its use is similar to the COLOR command but this one deals exclusively with the combination of the colors red (R), green (G), and blue (B). We also learned the RND or random command which can be used in combination with many commands such as numbers and colors. With these commands I had fun making circles inside of boxes inside of circles inside of boxes etc.

Anonymous said...

On Thursday in class we learned new commands on how to use different colors: ex. COLOR BLUE [circle 100], RGB which stands for red green blue, and RND.

We also had free time to explore seelogo for ourselves. I had fun using the astrics on the sides to make cool shapes and use different colors.

V said...

Thursday, we learned:

COLOR R G B: a command that colors the lines of a shape put in brackets after it

WRNUM X: writes a number on the screen

WAIT 1/n: causes a command to wait a fraction of a second (nth of a second) before executing

STOP: stops the REPEAT command

RND n: causes a random integer to be output. The domain is 0 (is less than) x (is less than) n

Today was nifty because I got a feel of experimentation; for instance, I had no idea stop was a command before we just stuck it in and it happened to work.

Anonymous said...

In this class, we learned the varying ways one can color their image as well as the potential in the use of the RND command.
In the bigger picture, I found Dani's lecture on the purpose and usage of the commands to be far less confusing than past lectures. Thus far, I've yet to find my niche in the college social hierarchy but I shall perserve until I find it.

Dani said...

I learned a lot of new features in Thursday¡¦s class. They included COLOR
I paste it for Maureen McAliney

COLOR RED [CIRCLE 100] „³ this formed a red circle with a diameter of 100,
The RGB „³ red, green, blue which allowed the brightness of the colors to
be altered
RND „³ made random number sequences ex.) by typing RND and then WRNUM RND 7
It was great how we were able to play around with the SeeLogo features,
creating new
fun art picture

Anonymous said...

I really liked the class we had on Thursday. Sorry that i did not blog about this earlier but i have been having some computer problems. My internet has been acting up on me all weekend and i can't seem to fix it. I really don't like having to deal with dial up. It seems as though if it rains, i can't get online... Anyways. Thursday's class was a lot of fun. Along with learning about adding color to images, randomizing things using the RND command and the WAIT command, i began to look deeper into all of the commands listed in SeeLogo. I thought i made a really cool looking star. I used the STAR 5 command and repeated it while making it larger using the GROWGBY command. I started to move the turtle around and add color before class finished. I can't wait to mess around with SeeLogo and learn more commands. I am having a lot of fun with it. Again, sorry about the delay in writing on the blogs. I am hoping to get my internet situation solved soon.

Megan said...

Well I'm not sure if we're supposed to do the above activity or talk about what we did in class but I guess I'll do what everyone else is doing.

On Thrusday we learned RND which chooses a random color or number. Also, we learned RGB which is red green and blue. We can select the intensity for each color to create different colors such as teal, magenta, orange, yellow, etc. Furthermore, we were allowed to fool around and interesting pictures. Colleen and I found some awesome commands such as GROWBY which increased the shapes size by a certain percentage each time. With the new commands learned I created a very interesting picture.

--Megan Duhancik
