Tuesday, September 18, 2007

HW Due Sunday 9/23 5:00 pm

Your task is to master the programs that make the pictures in:


There are 10 pictures and each one can be made using SeeLogo commands. You can use ideas from other students but the final goal is for YOU to master and feel the mathematics behind the picture and explain how you did it in your own words. Test yourself by doing it without looking at any other person work before you write down your own answers in the blog.

You can use any SeeLogo commands you want and do the pictures in more than one way.



Anonymous said...

1. rt 180 local x x=200 repeat 16 [arcl 180 x x=x+(-10)]
2. local x x=40 repeat 16 [arcl 180 x x=x+10] mirror IT
3. repeat 3 [lt 45 curvel 120 40 curver 120 40 rt 165]
4. spinr 6 [lt 45 repeat 3 [curvel 120 40 curver 120 40 rt 120]]
5. I know the answer involves arcl and arcr but I can't find the right numbers.
6. spin 6 [the answer to #5]
7. spin 12 [repeat 3 [curvel 180 30 curver 180 30]]
8. spin 6 [fd 40 curvel 130 60 rt 180 curve 130 60 jt 0 0]
9. spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]
10. Other than knowing it involves some repetition of the answer for #9 and the size command, I'm not sure how to do this one.

Unknown said...

So far i have figured out ways of doing the first 4:
1.) GROWBY 5% 32[ARCR 90 100]
2.) MIRROR [GROWBY 5 % 32 [ARCR 90 100 ] ]
3.) REPEAT 3 [LT 227 CURVEL 6090 RT 107]
4.) SPINR6 [REPEAT 3 [LT 227 CURVEL 60 90 RT 107]]

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am not done with all of them yet but i am really getting into this! I figured out number 10. Well it looks pretty close to number 10. I used the command that Josh said for number 9 (Thank you Josh, had to give credit) and I used mirror and moved the turtle. I will post the others after i get them done but i just wanted to post this now in case people wanted to check it out and try to modify or add on to it!

spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]
gofd 150
size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]
rt 90
rt 20
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 35
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 45
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 40
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 40
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 35
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 40
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 45
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]

Anonymous said...

Alright. Here are the rest of the answers:
For p1 i started off like this: arcr 90 30
arcr 90 30
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 100

Looking at the picture to see when the number needed to be changed. Then i moved to this:
local x
repeat 35 [arcr 90 x x=x+5]
(It's much easier!)

For p2:
mirror [
local x
repeat 36 [arcr 90 x x=x+5]
jt -90 -90

For p3:
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
lt 90
lt 30
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
rt 180
rt 60
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50

For p4:
spin 6 [
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
lt 90
lt 30
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
rt 180
rt 60
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50

For p5: I could'nt figure this out either. The best i could get is this:
rt 110
curver 210 60
rt 114
curvel 220 50
curver 210 60
rt 114
curvel 220 50
curver 210 60
rt 114
curvel 220 50

For p6: If i could figure out p5 i would just have to spin it 6 times from the origin.

For p7:
spin 15 [
arcr 180 30
arcl 180 30
arcr 180 30
arcl 180 30
arcr 180 30
jt 0 0
jt 120 20

For p8:
spin 6 [
fd 40
curver 130 60
rt 180
curver 130 60
jt 0 0

For p9: I started with this (size 2 [starsk 1 10]
size 2 [starsk 3 5]
size 2 [rotate 35 [starsk 3 5]]) but could not figure it out so i used what Josh had written:
spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45] and i understood what he was doing when i backtracked. He just made the diamond shape and repeated it.

p10 is posted previously!

This is was fun. Thanks Dani. :)


Megan said...

Okay I'm having a very hard time with these and I really don't understand how to use a lot of the commands. I end up doing these out a very long way and I only got 3 of them. Here they are.

1. arcr 90 30
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 100
arcr 90 100
arcr 90 110
arcr 90 110
arcr 90 120
arcr 90 120
arcr 90 130
arcr 90 130
arcr 90 140
arcr 90 140
arcr 90 150
arcr 90 150
arcr 90 160
arcr 90 160
arcr 90 170
arcr 90 170
arcr 90 180
arcr 90 180
arcr 90 190

2. arcr 90 30
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 100
arcr 90 100
arcr 90 110
arcr 90 110
arcr 90 120
arcr 90 120
arcr 90 130
arcr 90 130
arcr 90 140
arcr 90 140
arcr 90 150
arcr 90 150
arcr 90 160
arcr 90 160
arcr 90 170
arcr 90 170
arcr 90 180
arcr 90 180
arcr 90 190
rt 180
arcr 90 190
arcr 90 180
arcr 90 180
arcr 90 170
arcr 90 170
arcr 90 160
arcr 90 160
arcr 90 150
arcr 90 150
arcr 90 140
arcr 90 140
arcr 90 130
arcr 90 130
arcr 90 120
arcr 90 120
arcr 90 110
arcr 90 110
arcr 90 100
arcr 90 100
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 90
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 80
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 70
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 60
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 50
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 40
arcr 90 30

3. curver 120 40
rt 180
rt 75
curvel 120 40
curver 120 40
rt 113
rt 49
rt 63
rt 7
curvel 120 40
curver 120 40
rt 283
lt 12
curvel 120 40

That's all I could figure out for now..

--Megan Duhancik

Anonymous said...

Due to the fact that i have a mac, im down the hall from my room right now with some kid i just met, using his computer. He seems to be really interested in seelogo though, haha. He's also already giving me his input and tips, which is awesome. Anyway, i am admittedly slow at this program, and i'm trying my best to do it on my own, but i used the previous posts to give me a head start on 2 or 3 questions. Its a cool way to get a good grasp on the problems. Anyway, heres what i got:

1. growby 50% 20 [arcr 180 30]
2. mirror it (#1)
3. repeat 3 [lt 45 curvel 140 50 curver 140 50 rt 180]
4. spinr 6 it (#3)
5. spent too long on this and got nothing! haha
6. spin #5... 6 times?
7. spin 15 [ repeat 3 [arcr 180 30 arcl 180 30] jt 00]
8. spin 6 [fd 40 curvel 130 60 rt 180 curvel 130 60 jt 0 0]

These last two i had a lot of trouble with, resulting me to checking my work with josh's and colleen's. I actually started almost the same way colleen did for #9. I thought you needed the starsk command, and you probably could use it, but after 15 minutes I just couldn't figure it out. I tried josh's way, which obviously worked, and was pretty interesting. As for 10, I'm totally lost. I tried doing what colleen did, but even then I must of screwed up the commands, or just simply not get it. I hope we go over it cause I'm really interested.

Alright, that's it i guess. Now when i leave, dan (the kid who owns this computer) will probably be on seelogo and figure everything out.
-joe werner

Anonymous said...

1. I'm sure there is a faster way to figure this one out, but Tati and I could not figure it out in class the other day so she helped me with this one and we both used the long way. We used the ARCR command. I started by turning the turtle by useing the RT 90 command. Then I used the ARCR 90 50 Command. I repeated this 2 times for every number and then increased the second numbers by 10 each time. For example: ARCR 90 50 ARCR 90 50 ARCR 90 60 ARCR 90 60 ARCR 90 70 ARCR 90 70 and so on until I got 8 circles.

2. For this one I used the first figure I had already made and then I added on the second part. First I changed the direction of the turtle by using the LT command. Then I used the same ARCR commands, but I counted backwards instead of forward. ARCR 90 210 ARCR 90 210 ARCR 90 200 ARCR 90 200 and so on...

3. In this one I could not get the picture to look exactly like the figure, but i think I got the right idea here are my commands:
RT 90
CURVER 90 50
RT 70
RT 40
CURVEL 90 40
CURVER 90 40
RT 100
CURVEL 90 40
CURVER 90 40
RT 90
CURVEL 90 30

4. For this next one I used the figure from #3 and used the SPIN and GROWBY commands. Again I could not get the picture to line up perfectly with the original figure. After a while I started to play around with the commands and I got a few beautiful pictures. One in particular looks like a flower. Here are the commands for my flower picture:
SPIN 5 [
RT 90
CURVER 90 50
RT 70
RT 40
CURVEL 90 40
CURVER 90 40
RT 100
CURVEL 90 40
CURVER 90 40
RT 90
CURVEL 90 30
RT 20
RT 50
LT 20
LT 20
if you copy and paste the commands into seelogo you'll be able to see my picture. I just need to add color and it will really look like a flower.

5. I couldn't really figure this one out. I tried using the ARCL and ARCR commands, but I can't seem to get them to form the small moon shapped figures.

6. This one is difficult to do seeing as i could not get the answer to #5, but I would think to either use the SPIN command or the GROWBY command.


Anonymous said...

7. For this one again I could not get the exact picture, but I did get something like it. Here are my commands:
SPIN 5 [
SPIN 7 [
CURVEL 180 30 CURVER 180 30
GT -5 -2 ]
GT 0 0 ]
GT -6 -3 ]

everything seems to look right except that I have too many squiggly lines.

8. Here are my commands for this figure:
RT 90
ARCR 90 40
RT 90
ARCR 90 40
JT -3 -4 MT -76 69
JT -81 80
JT -81 67
ARCL 90 40
LT 90
ARCL 90 40
JT 4 68 MT -75 -13
JT -36 66 MT -36 -23
LT 130
ARCL 90 40
LT 90
ARCL 90 40
JT 1 65
ARCR 90 40
RT 90
ARCR 90 40
JT -80 -16
LT 90
ARCL 90 40
LT 90
ARCL 90 40
JT -39 64
LT 30
ARCR 90 40
RT 90
ARCR 90 40
again not perfect, but generally the same.

9. In this one I used the STAR Command and tried to play with it a little bit, but I could not come out with something that looked like the figure.

10. Seeing as I have no idea how to do #9 and this relates very closely to it I'm not sure how to do this one. I would love to learn and I'm hoping you can show us how to do #s 9 and 10 in class tomorrow. They seem very interesting and I want to learn how to make more interesting art work on Seelogo.
I'm actually starting to get the hang of this now! I'm starting to play a lot and make beautiful shapes and I save them too. Maybe we could have a day where we bring all our art work from home into to class to see what people have come up with on their own.

Anonymous said...

For P1 I did:
local x
repeat 35[arcr 92.6 x x=x+5]

mirror [
local x
repeat 35[arcr 92.6 x x=x+5]

curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
lt 90
lt 30
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
rt 180
rt 60
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50

spin 6 [
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
lt 90
lt 30
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
rt 180
rt 60
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50

rt 110
curver 210 60
rt 120
curvel 220 50
curver 210 60
rt 120
curvel 220 50
curver 210 60
rt 120
curvel 220 50

spin 6 [
rt 110
curver 210 60
rt 120
curvel 220 50
curver 210 60
rt 120
curvel 220 50
curver 210 60
rt 120
curvel 220 50
] (this one is a little skewed because number 5 is just a tiny bit off and once u spin the whole thing the tiny flaw is emphasized)

spin 15 [
arcr 180 30
arcl 180 30
arcr 180 30
arcl 180 30
arcr 180 30
jt 0 0
jt 120 20

spin 6 [
fd 40
curver 130 60
rt 180
curver 130 60
jt 0 0

spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 75 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]

P10: spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]
gofd 150
size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]
rt 90
rt 20
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 35
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 45
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 40
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 40
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 35
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 40
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
rt 45
gofd 109
mirror [size 3/4 [spin 10 [lt 35 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45 rt 75 fd 45 jt 0 74 rt 145 fd 45 rt 70 fd 45]]]
For that last one it was really hard so I looked at collen's solution and tried to tweak it, but I couldn't really make it look better, just making sure I site my source.

Anonymous said...

The first ones were pretty easy. towards the end it got tough

1. growby 40% 18[arcr 180 30]

2. Mirror it (number 2)

3. curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
lt 90
lt 30
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50
rt 180
rt 60
curvel 140 50
curver 140 50

4.spin 6 it (number 3)

5. I had trouble with this one. i didnt really get it. The picture i got was a little distorted.
rt 110 curver 210 60 rt 120 curvel 220 50 curver 210 60 rt 120 curvel 220 50 curver 210 60 rt 120 curvel 220 50

6. This one didnt work because of number 5 being wrong. but all i have to do ( i assume) is Spin 6 it.

7. spin 15 [ arcr 180 30 arcl 180 30 arcr 180 30 arcl 180 30 arcr 180 30 jt 0 0 ] jt 200 200

8. spin 6 [
fd 40
curver 130 60
rt 180
curver 130 60
jt 0 0

9. This one was pretty tough to me. I understand it a little, but not much.

10. I can tell that I have to use the command from number 9, but I don't know what to do with it exactly. This one is probably pretty easy, it just looks complicated.

Anonymous said...

So the three of us were having a lot of trouble working individually, so we decided to meet up together at the library and work together to help us understand the seelogo commands. we did pretty well together, but could not figure out everything. here is what we came up with:

1.)RT 180
REPEAT 16[ARCL 180 X X=X+(-10)]

2.)mirror it (the command from p1)

3.)REPEAT 3 [
lt 45
curvel 120 40
curver 120 40
rt 165]

4.)spin 6 it (the command from p3)

5.) could not figure this one out at all, we came close but not close enough.

6.) same with p5

7.)SPIN 15 [REPEAT 3 [ ARCR 180 30
ARCL 180 30]
JT 0 0]

8.)BOX 0 80
RT 60
BOX 0 80
LT 120
BOX 0 80
JT 0 40
CURVER 130 50
RT 180
CURVER 130 50
JT 0 -40
RT 90
RT 90
CURVER 130 50 RT 180 CURVER 130 50
JT 35 -20
RT 130
CURVER 130 50 RT 180 CURVER 130 50
JT -35 20
LT 120
RT 60
CURVER 130 50 RT 180 CURVER 130 50
JT 35 20
RT 60
CURVER 130 50 RT 180 CURVER 130 50
JT -35 -20
LT 60
LT 60
CURVER 130 50 RT 180 CURVER 130 50

^we realized too late in life that we could have easily just used the starskip command, but at least now we know!

9.) had lots of trouble, but we looked at josh's example and figured out how it could be done but we still don't really understand it completely.

10.) same as above. some sort of spin/repetition of p9.


over and out.

tati said...

1, 2. for the first two i used curver and curvel and started with 90, 50 and changed the 50 by ten everytime the picture looked like it needed to get bigger, probably not the most efficient way, but it worked

the rest i spent more time trying to figure out the simplest way to make the picture

3. for the third one i used the commands repeat 3 [lt 45 curvel 120 40 curver 120 40 rt 165]

4. for the fourth one i did spinr 6 (since the picture repeated itself 6 times in a circle) [lt 45 repeat 3 [curvel 120 40 curver 120 40 rt 120]

5. i couldnt figure this one out at all

6. number 6 is spin 6 plus the number 5 which i didnt get

7. i used the spin command times 12 since there are 12 points to the drawing spin 12 [repeat 3 [curvel 180 30 curver 180 30]]

8. spin 6 [fd 40 curver 130 60
rt 180 curver 130 60 jt 0 0]

9 and 10. i had a hard time with

Unknown said...

Chrissie, Maureen, Bekah and I worked in a group. I explained to them the code I had already written to help them with some rough spots they were having. I explained everything as carefully as I could and I think they all have better understandings now of how to do it on their own.

Here's what I have. Most of these are a little off, but they're all pretty close.

1. Growby 20% 16
[arcr 180 50]

2.mirror it [#1]

3. Repeat 3 [lt 45 curvel 120 40 curver 120 40 lt 75]

4. Spin 6 it [# 3]

5. Repeat 3 [curver 180 50 lt 90 arcl 40 50 rt 120 arcr 220 50 lt 90]

6. I can’t get this to line up, but I think it may be just because my error in #5 is getting magnified more each time the figure is spun. (If I had the correct figure in #5, I would use the command Spin 6 IT to make picture #6 from #5).

7. Spin 12 [ repeat 3 [ arcr 180 20 arcl 180 20 ] ]

8. Spin 6 [ fd 40 curver 100 60 lt 180 curver 100 60 fd 40]

9. spin 10 [

lt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
lt 252
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
]size 1.75 [starsk 10 9]

10. spin 10 [
jt 10 -30
lt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
lt 252
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40

size 1.75 [starsk 10 9]

jt -100 0

repeat 10 [
size 1/2 [
spin 10 [

lt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
lt 252
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
size 1.75 [starsk 10 9]

rt 36
fd 75

Chrissie: Kerry helped me with most of this. I understood 1, 2 and 3 by myself, but she explained everything about the other ones to me. I learned in #7 that it was only 1 squiggly line repeated, instead of a circle in the center that had lines coming out. The last one I wasn't sure I really understood by myself, but now I do.

Bekah: Okay, i have been completely lost about this program since the beginning. I was sitting at my computer wondering what the heck to do when I went on a mini field trip with Kerry. We decided to work together since Kerry understood mostof the homework. We all went to the library and she explained the homework to us step by step. Now we all have a better understanding of the program. I seriously have a better grasp on everything and feel more comfortable now that Karry has explained it further.

Maureen: I found that this homework overall was extremely complex. The first two problems were pretty easy to answer. Kerry really helped me to understand the problems that I had been having. Now I feel that I could do this on my own.

Unknown said...

Guess what! My group (Bekah Kerry Maureen and Chrissie) just figured out a better way to do #9, even though it's late now:

spin 10 [

lt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
lt 180
fd 40
lt 180
rt 36
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40

Unknown said...

Also here's a new and improved #10:

spin 10 [

spin 10 [

lt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
lt 180
fd 40
lt 180
rt 36
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
jt 100 0

size 1/2 [
spin 10 [

lt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
lt 180
fd 40
lt 180
rt 36
fd 40
rt 72
fd 40
jt 0 0

We are super excited about this :)

V said...

Spiral one:
local x
repeat 16 [arcr 180 x=x+10]

Spiral two:
{all the first spiral code}
rt 180
local x
repeat 16 [arcr 180 x=x+-10]

Ninja Throwing Star:
repeat 3 [
curvel 120 40
curver 120 40
lt 120

Six Ninja Throwing Stars:
spin 6 {NTS code}

Ninja Throwing Star 2:
I am having a lot of trouble with this one...

Jellyfish of Sorts:
spin 12 [
repeat 3[
arcr 180 20 arcl 180 20

spin 6 [
fd 40 curver 120 60 rt 180 curver 120 60
jt 0 0

I got the inside of 10, but not the wrapper...

Anonymous said...

ok so far I have been sitting at this computer since 4 on and off trying to figure out how to make these work.....I think if we could have office hours for extra see logo cram sessions that would really help me out.

so far i can only really understand the first three.
1. Growby 50% 15 [ARCR 180 30]

2. MIRROR IT [GROWBY 50% 15 [ARCR 180 30]]

3. CURVEL 140 50
CURVER 140 50
LT 90
LT 30
CURVEL 140 50
CURVER 140 50
RT 180
RT 60
CURVEL 140 50
CURVEL 140 50

i know that there should be a way to use repeat, but every time i use that command it looks so weird, i clearly learned from this i need to learn how to better use repeat.

4. spinr 6 it

5. ?

6. ?

7. spin 12 [repeat 3[arcr 180 20 arcl 180 20]]

9. spin6 [fd 40 curver 10 60 it 180 curver 100 60 fd 40]

10. ?
I really could benifit from going over each of these slowly, if any one is in the same boat let me know.

- Jahna
