Monday, September 10, 2007

NEW HW due By Sunday 9/16 12:00 pm

1. Imagine that you type
growby 20% 30000 [box 50 50]

A. How many squares there are? Explain why.
B. what is the width of the second and third squares?
C. What would you type to make the second square red and the third yellow?
D. What is the width of the 20th square (the first one is of width 50)

2. Look at the definition of the STARSK command and test it. Explain it to someone. Explain and give many examples of the STARSK command and feel it.
A. Imagine you type STARSKIP 1 5 STARSKIP 2 5
How many triangles can you count?
B. Type: starsk 1 7 starsk 2 7 starsk 3 7
then type SIZE 3 IT (What does the SIZE command do?)
C. Copy the program and explain how it works
local x
repeat 4 [
starsk x 9 x=x+1]
Isn't the picture beautiful?

Now recreate the same program but without looking and explain the logic. Instead of the number 9 use the number 11. How would you make the picture three times as big? Color the picture and save it (use the green box in the tool box to fill colors). You are starting to come closer to the Divine proportion in an infinite dimension. Have fun. I will explain in class. Stay tuned


Unknown said...

1A. There are 30,000 squares because we told the computer to repeat "grow by" 30,000 times.
B. The second square is 120% of 50 wide, or 60. By the same logic, the third square is 72 wide.
C. COLOR RED [BOX 60 60] and COLOR YELLOW [BOX 72 72].
D. I've been having a little trouble with this one. Does anyone think they can help out?

2.STARSK N W draws a star with W points and connects each point to the point N to the right of it with a straight line. I taught this to myself by drawing various stars of different parameters, using JT to create some space between them so it was easier to see how different changes to the settings altered the stars I was seeing.
A. I ended up with a 5 pointed star inside a pentagon. I counted 10 triangles.
B. SIZE 3 multiplied the picture by 3 geometrically.
C. Creating a local x and setting the number of points to be skipped to x=x+1 adds an additional "skip" for each repeat. This connects every point to every other point, eventually, making a crystal. I enjoy the picture but I guess I have to say I've seen seelogo do some cooler stuff by this point.

Using the number 11 instead of 9 gives the star 11 points. If I wanted to make the picture three times as big, I could use the command SIZE 3 as I just learned. Coloring the picture helped me see that it's actually a little asymmetrical, which was interesting.

Anonymous said...

1.) (a)There are 30000 squares, each increased in size by 20% because we told the computer to repeat the command 30000 times
(b) The second square has a length of 60. Since 20% of 50 is 10, you add 10 to 50 since the command is told to "grow by" 20%, and 50+10=60. Since 20% of 60 is 12, when added to the second square, the width of the third square is 72.
2.)(A)I see a star inside a pentagon, creating 10 triangles
(b) the size command increased the size of the picture to 3 times its normal size.
(c)I do not understand what the command does, and don't know how to explain it.
(c)since the 2nd box has the dimensions of [60 60] and the 3rd box has the dimensions of [72 72], the commands would be COLOR RED [BOX 60 60] and COLOR YELLOW [BOX 72 72]
(d)To get the length of the second square, we multiplied 50 and 1.2, because that will increase 50 by 20 percent for the 2nd square. 20 squares times 20% each time will equal 400, which means that the 20th square will equal 400% times the length of 50. This means we need to multiply 50 by 4.00 (the decimal version of 400%) the length will be 200.

-Aimee Lillienstein

Anonymous said...

dont look at the previous post! the order of my answers got scrambled for some reason, here is my real set of answers:

1.) (a)There are 30000 squares, each increased in size by 20% because we told the computer to repeat the command 30000 times
(b) The second square has a length of 60. Since 20% of 50 is 10, you add 10 to 50 since the command is told to "grow by" 20%, and 50+10=60. Since 20% of 60 is 12, when added to the second square, the width of the third square is 72.
(c)since the 2nd box has the dimensions of [60 60] and the 3rd box has the dimensions of [72 72], the commands would be COLOR RED [BOX 60 60] and COLOR YELLOW [BOX 72 72]
(d)To get the length of the second square, we multiplied 50 and 1.2, because that will increase 50 by 20 percent for the 2nd square. 20 squares times 20% each time will equal 400, which means that the 20th square will equal 400% times the length of 50. This means we need to multiply 50 by 4.00 (the decimal version of 400%) the length will be 200

2.)(A)I see a star inside a pentagon, creating 10 triangles
(b) the size command increased the size of the picture to 3 times its normal size.
(c)I do not understand what the command does, and don't know how to explain it.

-Aimee Lillienstein

tati said...

1a) the picture has 30,000 squares because that is the amount we asked it to grow by.

1b) the second square is 20% larger then the first, and the third is 20% larger then the second, in other words 60 and 72.

1c) because the dimensions of the second box are 60 x 60 you would type "color red [box 60 60] and for the third box you would write "color yellow [box 72 72].

1d) if you multiply 20 of the squares by 1.2 (or 20%) you will eventually get 400%. 50 multiplied by 4 equals 200, so I'm pretty sure the width is 200. I hope that makes sense I had a hard time with this one!

2. using the command STARSK you can create stars with different number of points. for example if you type "starsk 2 6" you will come up with a star of 6 lines, and everyline is connected by a line two points away from it.

2a) i counted ten triangles

2b) the size command enlarges the picture by the amount that you type in.

2c) i dont really know? looks cool tho :)

Unknown said...

A.)there are a total of 30,000 squares as that is how many 50x50 boxes were input
B.)Keeps increasing by 20% each time: the 2nd is therefore 60 and the 3rd is therefore 72
C.)- COLOR RED [BOX 60 60] and then COLOR YELLOW [BOX 72 72]

Ex.1, STARSKIP 4 8 draws a star with 8 tips by connecting them in 2 groups of 4
Ex. 2 STARSKIP 80 100 creates a ring out of 100 lines, each 80 points to the right
A.) forms a 5 pointed star inside a pentagon, forming 10 different triangles
B.) the width of the SIZE command increases the picture by the amount that I input
C.) The picture looks amazing

Megan said...

1A. There are 30000 squares because we typed in that we wanted 30000 squares to grow by 20% each time.
1B. The second square is 60 by 60 and the third square is 72 by 72.
1C. COLOR RED [BOX 60 60] and COLOR YELLOW [BOX 72 72]
1D. I'm guessing this is using an exponential function which I hate but I'm trying it out. 50((1.2)^20) = 1916.88

2A There are 25 triangles.
2B. It makes the shape 3 times as large as it originally was.
2C. The picture is beautiful. It looks 3D

--Megan Duhancik

Anonymous said...

1. A. 30,000 squares as the command calls for that many.
B. 60 and 72
C. color red [box 60 60] and color yellow [box 72 72]
D. 200

2. A. 10
B. the size command multiplies all dimensions of the given figure by the specified number
C. It makes 4 9-point with the number of points being skipped between each line increasing. Indeed, the image is visually appealing.
With the change, the program now creates 11-pt stars with the number of points skipped increasing. The SIZE 3 command would make it 3 times bigger.

Chrissie Delvalle said...

a. There would be 30000 because we told the computer to grow by 20% 30000 times.
b. the width of the second square is 50 x 1.20 = 60 and the width of the third square is 60 x 1.20= 72.
c. You would type Color red [ box 60 60] for the third one you would type color yellow [ box 72 72].
d. I'm not sure how to get this answer.

a. I can see 10 triangles
b. It made the picture 3 times as large.

Anonymous said...

a. There are 30,000 squares. The reason is because the command growby 30000.
b. The second square has a width of 60 and the third one is 72.
c. color red [box 60 60] color yellow [box 72 72]
d. For the 20th square i got 240. I got this by doing the command Growby 20% 20 [box 50 50]. Then i put my mouse over the lines of the 20th box which were 120 and then i doubled that to get 240.

2.starsk x y draws a star with y amount of points connecting them every x points to the right.
a.Ten triangles
b. it enlarges the picture however many times you put after size, in this case 3.
C. I'm not to sure how it works but i think i have an idea. It creates a 9 point star to start. then it makes them connect every point to the right of each tip, then every 2nd, then 3rd, and finally 4th.
d. It would make 11 points instead of 9. size 3 it would make it 3 times as big.

Anonymous said...

1.a) 30,000, because the we typed 30,000 in front of the box 50 50 command
b)60 and 70
c)color red [box 60 60] and color yellow [box 70 70]
2.starsk creates different types of stars. You type in 2 numbers after starsk, the first tell you how many points the first point will skip until it connects to the next point, and the second number is the number of points. For example starsk 2 8 will connect every other point for 8 points
a) I counted 24 stars, but there are so many I may have missed some
b) It trippled the size of everything typed
c)It creats like a ball crystal that looks pretty cool. If you used 11 instead of 9 the center becomes less filled. The higher the number the less the center is filled.

Anonymous said...

2. a) *24 triangles (not stars)

Anonymous said...

1a. There are 30000 squares because the command said to GROWBY 30000 times.
b. the second square is 60 because 20% of 50 is 10 and so when added to 50 it comes out to 60. The third square is 72 because 20% of 60 is 12.
c. well i'm not too good at the color part of seelogo, but my guess would be to type the command color red [box 60] and color yellow [box 72].
d. I can't quite figure this one out.

2. I can only find the STAR command on my seelogo because i could only get the old version.
But when i type in something like
star 5 i get a picture of a perfect star. Maybe I could stay after class some time and do this command in the computer lab.
I have tried STARSK and seelogo says it does not know the command.

V said...

1. a. There will be 30000 squares on the screen because we told the program to grow [box 50 50] by 20% 30000 times.

1. b. The second square is 60 x 60 and the third box is 72 x 72.

1. c. color red [box 60 60] / color yellow [box 72 72]

1. d. 1597.4? I may have done this wrong...

2. Is there anyway I can do this if I don't have a Windows computer? hm. I will finish this in the computer lab then.

Anonymous said...

1. a) There are 30,000 squares because the percent is the amount each grows by and the 30,000 is the number of squares we want.

b) The second square is [ 60 60 ]
The third square is [ 72 72 ]

c) To make the second square red we would type COLOR RED [60 60] and to make the third square yellow we could type COLOR YELLOW [72 72].

d) I am not really sure how to find the width of the 20th square. I sorta did something on my caculator and came up with about 1900. I just multiplied each square by .20 20 times adding the amount to the previous each time.

2. Starskip X Y will draw a star with a certain number of points (y) and then connect each point to a point "x" points to the right. I showed this to my boyfriend. We dres a bunch of these on top of each other and made some crazy looking stars. I also noticed that if you type say: starsk 3 6, like the command example shows, you have to skip 3 points and it will connect to the fourth. I though you would have to just count over 3 points and then connect by after looking at different stars i see how it works.

a)I count 10 triangles but if you break each of them up you could count more.

b) The size command grows the whole picture by 3 times the orginal size.

c) That is a very neat looking picture. :) What you are doing is saying x=1 and then starting with STARSK 1 9, you are increasing the "1" by "1" each time, 4 times. You can also make it by going:

Dani said...

No more hw accepted after this point.

Mike has all the grades.

Here are the solutions:
1. Imagine that you type
growby 20% 30000 [box 50 50]

A. How many squares there are? Explain why. answer: 30000, since the seocnd # is 30000 and it tells how many

B. second 60 but third 70 and not 72. read explanation carefully. if it would be gorwgby it will be 72

C. color red [box 60 60] color yellow [box 70 70]
d. 50+10*19=240
2. starsk x y creates a shape with x points and each point is connected to the next y point symmetrically. Make sense from it in your own way. some of you explained it well since you played with it for a while.
A. There are actually 35 triangle. I can show you if you want!
B. size 3 it scales the picture (magnifies it) by a factor of 3.
C. Look at what coleen wrote. she explained it well!!!

for 11 instead of 9:

local x
repeat 5 [
starsk x 11 x=x+1]

Anonymous said...

1a. 30,000 squares becuase by hitting growby it repeats it 30,000 times.

1b. Width of the 2nd is 120%,50 wide and the 3rd is 72 wide.

1c. the dimensions of the 2nd box is [ 60,60] and the 3rd is [72,72] it would be COLOR RED [box 60 60] and COLOR yellow [box 72 72]

2. STARK x y draws a star with y and connects with x to the right.

2a.10 triangles
2b. makes the shape larger

Amanda Randel

Anonymous said...


2. I used STARMODE 3 and then STAR 8 and i got what looks like a bunch of trisngles that seem to make up at least two stars. After trying the commands a few times i realized that as the STARMODE number the circle in the middle gets smaller and more triangles appear.
a. After putting STARMODE 25 and STAR 15 i got around 30 triangles of different sizes.
b. The SIZE command makes the star grow bigger by 3 times.
This is all i can do with the old seelogo, but tomorrow i will use the lab to finish my redo because it is too late tonight.
