Thursday, September 27, 2007

Partial plan for today and activities for the weekend

1. Meaning and definition of Fibonacci sequence

2. Definition and meaning of Golden Rectangle

3. Creating a movie in seelogo that shows the connection between the two in a visual way.

It displays the Fibonacci sequence slowly (using the WAIT command, also
local x y z repeat GOMV WRNUM ?)
possibly writes some explanations (using JT and WR commands)
uses the answer to define the dimension of the golden rectangle and draws it
creates art based on golden rectangle.

Look forward to read what happened over weekend.


Anonymous said...

I can not make the concert because I have a lot of work and I think it's best that I stay in and study.
I'm sure the show is wonderful, but I probably would not be able to enjoy it because I'd be thinking of all my work.
I'm very sorry and I hope I am able to see a few other shows later this year.

Anonymous said...

I started my adventure at the Apple Fest by getting there early and eating lunch at Sammy's to try it out. To fill in the time until 1 pm, I strolled around the Commons examinging the wares of all the various booths. I also stopped into a few stores such as evolution and one of the used bookstores which I discovered had a large collection of vinyl records in the basement, which is good to know since I enjoy classic rock. From 12:55 to 1:10, I waited at the iron horse and saw nobody so I simply went on my way. At the Amish pastry stand, I bought some fudge and Whoopie pies. Going back up the hill, I found the festival to be quite enjoyable in spite of my inability to join with my classmates. PS. I have one of the wrappers from the Amish stand if there is any doubt of my being there. jschult3@ithaca.ed

Anonymous said...

I went to apple festival early also. I got there around like 11am with my boyfriend on Saturday. It was packed! My boyfriend and i had a mission when we went: find a caramel apple. We ended up walking all around and finding a few places but not being able to decide. Eventually we settled on eating some real food first and got a taco salad thing on fried bread. It was different, but very good. After that we decided on a candy apple with wipped cream and nuts. :) Yum. I also went to the horse at about 1:05 but did not see anyone. I did see some of my old classmates from highschool though. They were at the stand called "Little Tree" from Newfield. They own a huge orchard in Newfield and it would be neat if anyone has time to go there. Lets see, my boyfriend and I stayed for about 4 hours and before leaving we bought a peach pie from the Ithaca College Culinary Arts Students. It is very good. I guess i could save some of my peach pie or kettle corn if there was any doubt that i went. :) Cya in class.

Jahna O said...

I, too, had a test the day after the concert and was unable to take a break from preparation, although i would ahve loved to have gone because i really do love music.

I did get the opportuntiy this weekend to go to apple feast and it was so great! The first thing i did was dash to the line for cider doughnuts and fresh cider. mmmm. Then we listened to some of the music that they were playing and watched everyone dancing. It was particularly cute how people of all ages were there.....from little babies on their parents shoulders to very old people who seemed like they had been going to apple fest their whole life!

then i scoped out the apple crisp with vanilla ice cream on top and drizzled caramel. It was one of the most delicious things i have ever tasted in my life (i didnt eat all day knowing that all i would do at apple fest was EAT hhaa) From there i perused the used book store and saw some interesting books. and then it was time to eat again......i sampled all of the stations of kettle corn and finally settled on this one in particular where they made the kettle corn right in front of you. THe vendors were all so sweet and happy.

I am on a quest to return to the famed Apple Fest today again to retrieve the biggest prize apple frest has to offer, the only thing i neglected to remember....a candy apple. Ill let you know how it goes.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed the apple fest, there was so much to do. I even got my face painted for the first time ever, it was a lot of fun. the food was great, We had a great time!!

Anonymous said...

I just got back from Apple Fest a few hours ago and I was really surprised by all the good food and music. I ate a Greek Gyro, which was absolutely delicious, and some fleshly made lemonade. I tasted many apples, but did not buy any because I was low on money and they had sold out of all he good ones. I guess that's the drawback in going on the last day.
My roommate and another friend and me walked around for about 2 hours. I bought a hand made mug and I can't wait to drink tea out of it!
Overall I had a great time and it was nice to be part of the culture of ithaca. I can't wait to go again next year!

Unknown said...

Man, I'm so glad it's applefest time again! I went with my friend Gwen, who is an amazing person and who I hadn't seen in a very long time. I've been feeling stressed and lonely lately and seeing her helped with both. We had a great time running around and seeing everyone, although we didn't run into as many friends as we'd hoped. I saw Jahna, although she didn't see me (don't worry about it, Jahna! You were too far away.) Everything was great, I managed to pick up some good gifts for people, there was fun music and dancing hippies and tasty food - everything I expected. I was really sad about one thing, though. Every year, I buy my mom an apple dumpling from the amish stand (they are mindblowing), but this year they ran out. Now I have to wait a whole nother year :(. All in all, though, this weekend was totally great and rejuvenating. I saw a lot of loved ones and I feel ready to tackle college again. See you in class tomorrow for some more of that.

tati said...

I went to the applefest Saturday with Maureen, and two other friends from outside of class. It took us forever to find a parking space! But, once we got there we waited in line for food, maple sugar candy which is my favorite, and we also got our face painted. It was a lot of fun and so much to do and see. I'm really glad maureen reminded me about it, because I had forgotten it was this weekend, so thanks!

Anonymous said...


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