Friday, September 7, 2007

Personal Sharing Forum

This blog is here to share personal stories and experiences as well as poems or links to other creative works by students in the class.


Chrissie Delvalle said...

Today was a weird day for me. I haven't even left my room yet and it is now 8:02pm. I feel a little strange but yet I have still used this day as a productive day. I made a bunch of food with the help of a microwave. I took a shower. I did a lot of reading for some of my classes. I talked to a lot of people like my mom and dad. I talked to friends from home and my new friends here at Ithaca. I even video chatted with some of my friends. I watched the wonderful rain and took pictures of my wonderful view. So I don't feel like I wasted the day at all. I just think its weird that the world has come to a point where one could spend a day in their room and not feel lonely or hungry or unproductive. Its sort of scary....and on that note I am going outside now and I don't know when I will be back. hahaha

Unknown said...

I ordered out with my roomates for the first time yesterday, it was really fun,Since i have 4 other roomates sometimmes things can get a little crazy. I miss my family a lot, I know its completely normal though. I loved sitting outside on the porch yesterday just listening to the rain!! My computer still doesnt connect to the internet, in my room, which is a good thing in many ways because it forces me to get out. I met the people across the hall for the first time yesterday, they are such nice people.

Megan said...

I went running around in the rain all day on Saturday with my friends. Then we got dressed up for dinner at Max's to visit one friend working there and when we came back it was pouring rain so my friend and I decided to go back out in the rain. While playing in the rain we went to the terraces. I went up to my friend's terrace and I wanted to go "frolick" in the rain some more so I jumped off the bottom step and I fell onto my knees and scraped them. I thought it was hysterical because I haven't scraped my knees since I was little.

Anonymous said...

I had such a great day yesterday with the friends i have made here. We sat around and watched movies the whole day. First we watched factory girl and then walk to remember. We ordered Sammy's and just hung around. I love the rain. This morning i woke up and felt like i was in a cloud. I did some reading for my classes and now I'm about to grab some food from the towers dining hall. Looking foward to playing on selogo tomorrow!

bekah k said... is where i'll write blogs as well as the intructions/homework for the day :) check it out

Unknown said...

I had such a wonderful weekend. I feel so blessed, like I have a rich life, when I can spend so much time with my friends. Last night I went poster shopping with two of my in-town friends, and then we picked up my boyfriend and the four of us went to the deserted top of a parking garage and ran around in the rain like idiots. Afterwards, we went back to my friend Eliot's house and listened to some music and watched some short films that he had made. The whole night was the perfect mix of high energy tomfoolery and chill opportunities to just be with each other. I love my friends so much.

I just came from "Body Tone" at the fitness center. It was the first time I'd ever tried an aerobics class. It totally kicked my butt, which made me feel really feeble. I've been a hardcore swimmer for years and I'm used to really intense workouts, so I wasn't expecting something I always thought of as much lower impact to be so difficult for me. I didn't think I'd be so wimpy after only 3 weeks of no swimming! Well, I'm going to keep working on it. For right now, I stink, so I'm going to go get in the shower.

Dani said...

Hi Folks,

Isn't it fun to share experiences once in a while? It unites us more and more. When we develop enough positive energy in the class we will be completely anchored and then the storm comes (and they do come....) we will be safe from harm...

I have so much fun lately. Not always easy but I always choose life and love. Today I went to the Laughter Yoga class at Dewitt Park and then talked with Larry for hours. Larry may come and visit our classes. He is a Science writer with so much Love and appreciation for life and science that it is contagious. Miss my bike. Maybe will ride again to school tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I also made my own blogspot and Dani was right...they are great!
I'll post things there and here.

Anonymous said...

Well, today i got done with most of my homework "early" and decided i would write on here. I can't really think of anything specific i have been doing so i will just ponder and write for a bit. School is really great. I love being in college, minus the work. :) I was walking around the campus the other day looking up the sky and thinking "Wow, its so nice to just be myself and for once, have quite a bit of freedom." I didn't get out much in high school. Not that i did not have friends, i was just an at home person. Recently though, actually about a year ago, i met my current boyfriend and my always being at home change a lot. He is great. He really has been helping me live my life and experience so many things. I can't say enough how much i love it. Over the summer we did so much crazy stuff. We tried to visit a different place every week. Our main adventures were to mini-golfing places. We decided after going to ShipWreck in Cortland that we were going to check out different places in the area and compare. We even went to A & W. I have never been to an restaurant like that before. It was very cool. I love being shown new places, even if they are in the town i have known for almost 18 years now.

Lets see, driving back to school everyday has been okay lately. The only thing is finding parking and college students who INSIST upon speeding. I'm getting afraid of being in a accident. In the summer its so nice when its only locals [not saying i don't like the college students] but they driving like the world is going to end! Today, me and a girl behind me got passed by a kid who passed into oncoming traffic while there was actually traffic coming! Scarey... let me tell you.

I am very excited about the apple festival next weekend. Glad that Kerry agreed with me that that is a good thing to do. I know you guys will like it.

I know i have written a lot but i want to talk about one more thing, what i have been spending most of my time on lately, besides homework. My business. Woo! I actually got reminded of it when i saw that "maureenmc21" said her internet would not work. I helped my friend the other day set up her internet in her room. I guess you can infer what my business is... computers. I love them. I don't know what i would do with out mine. I am always messing around with it and learning new things. My boyfriend and I actually just went out and bought a used Apple computer the other day to mess around with. Very exciting. The business is called IthaTech and it is run by me, my boyfriend and my father. So, if anyone needs computer help, please email me. I would be happy to help you. :) Our website is almost complete and once it is i will post it.

Okay, i think I'm done. :) It was nice to just type about stuff. See you all in class tomorrow!

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about death a lot lately. Sometimes it seems so clear to me that death is just going home to a state of wonderful purity and I have nothing to fear, especially because everyone I love will be there too, but other times, I fear that my consciousness is too tied to my brain for my soul to exist without it, and death is just nothingness. (I don't subscribe to any religion.) What thoughts do you all have?
