Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Plan for Tuesday September 4th

First I want to thank all of you who responded and I think that every one did (Mike will be checking and reporting to me. I think that if we get to a good habit from the start we will be learning a lot. I am asking that you continue commenting on every lessons before the next lesson (late submission will not be accepted since it will not be timely anymore). In addition I am asking that you do keep a personal journal that you will hand me at an appropriate time that could be more general in nature.

So for Today the plan is:

1. Birthday Activity (Mike) ~8 minutes or less
2. Novell account (Mike) 5 minutes
3. SeeLogo (Dani) 50 minutes
4. Envelop activity (Outtdoor Mike) rest of time

In SeeLogo we will do lesson 2 (commands: NEW LOCAL JT WRNUM)
Concepts: Variables, Geometric and Arithmatic Progression
Ideas: Fibbonacci Sequence and Hindu Poets, Golden Section, Golden Recatngle and Triangle, The numbers 72 and 108, Kepler, Recursion


Anonymous said...

Today we first started with Mike's Birthday activity, where we learned to use numbers and math with out speaking. In a way we created our own language using math.
Then we learned how to use Novell, which allows us to save our work and get it from anywhere in the world!
After that we started more SeeLogo where we learned what a system command is (not recorded in the program). We learned the new commands: NEW, JT (jump two), MT (move two), LOCAL X, LOCAL X Y, and WRNUM X. We learned how to apply slope to SeeLogo and how to create an Arithmetic Spiral (Arithmetic Progression-constant growth). Last we learned to use variables in SeeLogo by using LOCAL X, REPEAT, and WRNUM.

I could understand the lesson today, but I'm not sure if I will be able to do SeeLogo alone. That is my only concern.

Anonymous said...

Today's class had a little more variety than past classes. We opened with Mike's birthdat activity, demonstrating the extents of math's application beyond what is done on paper. We also worked to create Novell accounts to save our work despite some difficulties. The commands learned today were mainly those that use a local X and/or Y as a variable to create a numerical sequence or repeating design like an arithmatic spiral.
In regards to the class, while using SeeLogo doesn't seem to be an issue for me, I can't help but feel that some of Prof. Novak's lectures use somewhat vague and confusing language, like he's describing the details before establishing the point. In case you need my address: jschult3@ithaca.edu

Anonymous said...

Well, I heard that today's class started with a birthday activity which taught us how to communicate with out speaking using math. I missed the very beginning of class today due to the fact that i could not find a single place to park. I promise i will leave earlier from now on. Sorry! In class though i really think i am starting to learn this SeeLogo program now. I was looking into some other students files after Mike showed us the FTP and saw the beautiful images that Dani has been talking about. I am very very excited to create these! I am going to set aside a few hours this weekend to mess around with the program some more and learn it better. The new commands that we learned today were: new, JT, MT, Local "x" "y", and WRNUM. The "new" command, we learned, was a system command meaning that it is not recorded in the program. JT meant jump to and its purpose was to move the turtle to a coordinate that you chose. MT, like JT, meant move to and would do the same thing as JT but create a line. The "local" command seemed to be a hidden command but we found after using WRNUMB (write number) that the "local" command actually did something. As Dani pointed out, not everything is able to be seen. The "local" command, to me, seemed to be able to be used in many different things but mainly used to define a variable. I hope that soon we will work with more things like the Arithmatic Progression and the boxed spiral we created. I also wanted to mention that after i came home, i installed my own FTP and it worked perfectly. I could access my files on my Ithaca account.

I had one quick question for Dani though and if i dont get an answer back from him or someone else i will ask in class tomorrow but is this where we are supposed to blog? I saw in someone's blog last time that they wrote in a different place. All i saw was people were writing here so i followed. :) See you all tomorrow!

Unknown said...

We learned a great amount of information today in class. We started of by playing the Birthday game in which we used numbers in order to communicate with each other, it was very entertaining!! Following the game, we learned about Novell account, a feature which allows us to store/hold documents. Then Dani went over a number of new commands including NEW, JT, MT, LOCAL and WRNUN. Although we did not have much time to experiment with the features on our own, I clearly understood how to use the features. I took lots of notes. Towards the end of class we learned about Arithmatic Spirals. They seem really interesting. I hope to experiment with these new features farther in order to create interesting designs. I really learned a lot from the class today.

tati said...

Well today I was really sick, so I was kind of spaced out but I did take about two pages of notes which I'm going to try and re-read now and hopefully I can sort somethings out.
We started the class out with Mike's birthday exercise. I was in the group of three people who participated in the confusion of the "slash". In the end we managed to get into basically the correct order, but I found it really interesting how everyone seemed to be using a similar way of expressing their birthday and then when John used to slash signal no one really understood. It was cool to realize how simple it is to convey numbers and communicate without talking.
In the next part of the class Mike showed us WS_FTP which you can download onto your computer so that anywhere you are you can always access your folders and files. It didn't work the first time because we were using the wrong host name (nova.ithaca.edu is the correct one!) but Mike figured it out eventually and it seems like a really useful thing to have.
For the rest of class Dani and Mike taught us a few new commands...
We learned that a system command is not recorded in the program and we also learned the commands JT (jump to), MT (move to), LOCAL 'X' and 'Y' which took me a while to understand but I think its pretty much just an unseen command to define a variable. We also learned WRNUM which makes the variable visible. We then learned about arithmatic progression (constant growth; line; linear) and we proceeded to try to create a spiral using this new information.

I hope I have somewhat accuate information...it seems to make sense to me, at least at the moment, but I also just woke up from a 4 hour nap and I can't really breathe properly, so I'm hoping the lack of oxygen didn't affect my blog in anyway. See everyone Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday in class, i actually had a lot of fun on SeeLogo, haha. It really has a lot to do with problem solving, which i didn't think at first. At first, I thought we were just mindlessly entering commands and seeing results, but really, we have to use those commands to figure out how to get the result. We learned some new commands;
JT (jump to) which moves the turtle to a position
MT (move to) which moves the turtle to a position, followed by a line
Local X which is hard to explain without that picture of the zero inside the box
WRNUM which means to write the number.
We used these commands, plus others ones from last class, to create an arithmetic spiral, which was very cool. We also learned how to set up a novell account, which i can't do at the moment due to the fact that my Mac is temporarily broken. And in the beginning of the class, we did the birthday activity... which was really cool. I'm really getting used to this class. I like it alot.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone! I have just discovered Dani's mother's book, available on his webpage. I am just a few chapters in, but so far it's a fascinating story. I recommend it, especially to all others with an interest in Holocaust literature and history.

Here are the terms I learned in class yesterday:

System Command: A command that speaks to the program itself and does not affect the picture
NEW name: (system command) creates a new procedure called "name"
JT N W: Jump to the point N,W
LOCAL X: Creates a variable X within the procedure
X = N: Sets variable X equal to value N
*: multiply, as in X*5
/: divide
WRNUM: "write number" displays a numeric value

We also learned the definition of the mathematical term "arithmatic progression". This is a linear sequence in which there is constant growth between each terms.

Hope that's helpful! I'm looking forward to class tomorrow.

Jahna Orzano said...

Today we began the class with the Birthday activity which called for everyone to use nonverbal language to communicate how to put ourselves in order......its funny to think about how often society does that with out even knowing it....but anyway.....after that we learned how to use Novell but had a few problems.......which eventually we sorted out. Go under profiel name Novell, host name is nova.ithaca.edu and use your email minus the @ithaca and your password. We created a folder named Ithaca Seminar. We then learned new commmands, one thats actually entitled NEW which is a system command and not recorded in the program. We also learned
JT = Jump to
MT = Move to
Local x
Local x y
and WRNUM substituting different variables which solved equations. We also learned about constant growht of an Arithmatic Progression, and utilized LOCAL and REPEAT and WRNUM to create a spiral, which i need to practice because I dont understand completely why this works.


Unknown said...

Hi everyone! I have just discovered Dani's mother's book, available on his webpage. I am just a few chapters in, but so far it's a fascinating story. I recommend it, especially to all others with an interest in Holocaust literature and history.

Here are the terms I learned in class yesterday:

System Command: A command that speaks to the program itself and does not affect the picture
NEW name: (system command) creates a new procedure called "name"
JT N W: Jump to the point N,W
LOCAL X: Creates a variable X within the procedure
X = N: Sets variable X equal to value N
*: multiply, as in X*5
/: divide
WRNUM: "write number" displays a numeric value

We also learned the definition of the mathematical term "arithmatic progression". This is a linear sequence in which there is constant growth between each terms.

Hope that's helpful! I'm looking forward to class tomorrow.

Megan said...

Class on Tuesday began with a birthday activity. We could not speak to communicate to everyone our birthday. Immediately we made up our own language with numbers and our hands. Most of us did it the same way - we held up our hands for our birthday month then once in line by that we held up our hands for the day we were born.
After this we were taught how to access items from our novell accounts on any computer in the world. THen, we learned some new commands. MT - move turtle, JT - jump turtle, LOCAL X - gives an x coordinate and boxes it. WRNUM X - makes the box appear. THen we had to make a spiral box which I could not do. It was too hard for me to figure out but many other kids seemed to figure it out quickly. I'm not sure how they did that, but I wish I could think in that way.
