Monday, September 10, 2007

Planning for September 11, 2007

I am not going to tell you exactly what will happen today but I would like to teach you some beautiful commands and then give you time to explore. Some of you have been learning on your own. So I am asking that you summarize in this blog like usual what you learned today and I will prepare another blog with specific fun puzzle math SeeLogo questions that will tickle your mind.



Anonymous said...

Today was one of my lighests days and it did not go well. Starting with math class at 825 in the morning and not understanding a lot of it. But thanks to Dani i am beginning to again understand these math concepts that i have loved for years! Seminar Class was fun today. I really liked starting out with creating a picture on SeeLogo. My ying yang was pretty neat looking i would have to say. My inside circles were a little big but it made it unique.

The way i made my circle was:

circle 200
curver 180 100
jt 0 0
rt 180
curver 180 100
jt 1 51
circle 40
jt -15 -50
circle 40

We also played around with the "Spiral of Life" which combined commands like, growby, spin and rt. It also showed us how to draw lines without having to type in a code. This was a lot of fun and the pictures people made were unbelievable. Very, very cool.

Along with all of that from class, i was really touched by the Sick Puppies song with the video about hugs. [Along with loving the song], i really like that video. It is sad how our government has to ban everything. That was ridiculous. Banning FREE HUGS? How does that hurt anyone?? I am very glad the petition worked and FREE hugs are LEGAL once again!!

Unknown said...

Here are the commands I learned today:

Curve(r,l) N W: Draws a curve that spans N degrees with a diameter of W.
STARSK(IP) N W: Draws a star with W points, connecting every Nth point (going to the right).

GROW(g)BY N% W: Grows picture by N% W times (all "growths" will be visible). I don't really have a good sense of what "g" does.

SPIN(r,l): Takes whole picture and rotates it around the center. Leaves each "repeat" behind (does not only show final image, shows all places the picture is moved to).

SIZE N: muliplies picture geometrically by n

FILL: fill with selected color

Anonymous said...

Today in class we leanred many new commands and how to draw the spiral of life. the spiral of life starts out with a certain amount of lines meeting somewhere in the middle, then once a series of commands is input, it creats up to tens of thousands of spirals and other lines.
We learned:
-curver (degrees u want to turn right and the diameter)
Doing those commands make a ying yang. also, it can be done by doing the following:
-Spin 2[circle 200 curver 180 100 jt 0 0]

Anonymous said...

I found that this particular class offered a great outlet for creativity, expression, and exploration. After learining the classification of commands as either drawing or transformation, we experimented with the spiral of life. Mine ended up making a design resembling the star of David.
I have to say a big part of what makes this class interesting is Dani's passion and enthusiasm for the material as evident in his lectures. I say this not to be a suck-up, I truly believe it is clear he loves what he does.

tati said...

Class the other day was really fun. We started by creating a picture of the ying-yang. This is how I made mine:
circle 200
rt 80
spin 2 [curver 180 100 jt 0 0]
jt -8 60 fill black
jt -50 0
circle 20 jt -52 -2 fill black
color white[jt 50 0 circle 20 fill white]

Next, we began playing around with "the sprial of life". it started out by making several lines around the center of the screen and then using commands such as spin, growby, rt, and rot to make really, really cool pictures.

The free hugs video made me feel really happy. It was so nice to just watch people not caring about how they looked just going out and trying to make days better for complete strangers. I was also really touched by Dani's comment in the beginning, when at first no one was coming up to the man with the free hugs sign, he said "he is doing it just right, he is waiting for people to come to him." I don't know why that felt so important but I think it was because in the beginning of the movie I felt really bad for the guy because no one was acknowledging him, but after Dani said that I realized it wasn't that people were being rude, it's just that they have to come when they felt ready.
I like coming to this class because it feels so refreshing to always here about Dani's positive outlooks on life.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday we learned some very interesting commands, which made beautiful pictures.
First we learned the SPIN command and then the CURVEL and CURVER commands to make the Yin and Yang symbol. We also learned the ARCR and ARCL commands.
My favorite commands that we learned are GROWBY and GROWGBY. I never know what the picture will turn out to be when I use these commands, so they leave me intrigued and surprised all the time. The last command we learned was SPIN, which 'spins' the picture however many times you want. So if I put SPIN 50 IT the picture would spin whatever I already put on the screen, 50 times.
I enjoyed yesterday's class very much. I am really starting to get a feel for SeeLogo. I even had my own 'ah ha!' moment!
Hopefully Mike will be able to help me with my computed problems and I will be able to work on SeeLogo more in my dorm room.

Megan said...

Today class began with making a ying yang and understanding that it is life. Also, we made a spiral of life which used commands such as growby, spin, and rt. That was extremely fun because I loved combining the different colors and using different sizes for it to grow and spinning it different ways. The designs were very amazing.

Also, I enjoyed watching the free hugs video and thought it was absolutely absurd that free hugs could be banned.

The class yesterday was very fun (as always) and very interesting.

Megan Duhancik

Anonymous said...

In class tuesday we learned about the spiral of life. We drew the spiral of life on seelogo. We also drew the yin yang symbol in seelogo. We learned about the CURVER and CURVEL commands. We also learned the SPIN command and how to fill an area will color with the fill tool or the FILL command. We also watched a movie about hugs.
