Tuesday, September 11, 2007

SeeLogo and Calculus

The purpose of this blog is to explore ways to use SeeLogo to learn and understand ideas from calculus intuitively.

Dani will show the group of interested students some ideas.

Mostly in the package Lessons/Calculus/Function tool


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I met with Dani today and he really helped me understand the problems i was having with my Calculus homework. I think that it would be awesome to have a group of people that could meet once or twice a week to go over problems with Calculus and at the same time apply it to SeeLogo. If anyone thinks this would be a good idea and has other comments please write back. I know there are people in the seminar class that are also in Calculus. Comment about times that would be good for you to do a group study and any other opinions about this you might have. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I'm not taking calculus currently, but I did last year and really enjoyed it. I don't want to join the study group, but I would be interested to see what Dani and SeeLogo can teach us about the subject.

tati said...

I'm having a REALLY rough time in calculus, I'll take all the help I can get, I'd I'd be interested to see it from Dani's perspective. So I'm definitely interested. Nights are better for me then anything but if people would rather meet during the day I could try to figure something out. :)

Megan said...

as we talked about earlier today in calculus I would LOVE to join that group. Especially since our teacher seems to make it extrememly confusing and he makes me unable to understand concepts I have already learned.

Also, I would like to learn about the concepts of SeeLogo and Calculus.
--Megan Duhancik

Anonymous said...

Yay! We pretty much have a group! :) I would be cool with nights too. My tuesdays and thursdays are the lighests with only 2 and 1 class. If you guys want to comment about a good time i am up for anything after 5. I have a class that ends at 515 on Mondays and Wednesdays. I am really glad we are going to create a group. This will really help me and I hope it will help others just as much.

tati said...

Tuesday nights would be the best for me :)

Anonymous said...

Tuesdays are good for me also. Tati, how late are we talking when you say nights? Maybe starting at like 4 or 5? I am free after 12 on Tuesdays so anytime after that would be good for me. Megan, we need your input now! :)

Megan said...

On Tuesdays and Thursdays my last class ends at 5:15 on Wednesdays my last class ends at 2 but I work from 4-8:30. On Mondays my last class ends at 4:50 and on Fridays my last class ends at 2

Anonymous said...

Megan and Tati,

Dani said that Tuesdays at 2:30 to 3:30 would work for him. We can start this week. Lets talk about it more tommorrow in class. Cya then! :)
