Thursday, September 6, 2007

Weekend September 8-9

Plan a trip to Ithaca. leaders Kerry (kpinnis1@ithaca.ed) and Colleen (cnuldow1@ithaca.ed).



Anonymous said...

I think this could be done in groups or individually. Maybe if we just went into town whenever and then we bloged about what we did and if we saw anything interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. My email address is messed up on the blog page homepage. It should be cmuldow1@ithaca.ed.. "m" not "n." I would like to start out by asking a question. Would people like to go this weekend or next weekend? Personally, i think next weekend would be better because then we have time to plan. I heard a lot of people saying they would like next weekend better. If we did do a trip this weekend, and i was needed as a guide i would not be available Saturday due to business work i have to attend. Another question would be what would you like to do? Hopefully Kerry will post soon with some ideas and if i can add to them i will. I think that going down to the commons might be fun for a small trip or what Kerry suggested, going to see a movie. The Fall Creek Theater is a very cool place.

Anonymous said...

personally, only being here for 2 weeks, id love to check out the scenery and the gorges and etc. i feel like im the only person who hasn't experienced that yet. anybody with me?

Jahna Orzano said...

I would very much enjoy this whole idea of the Ithacans showing the rest of us around...Im sure you guys can do a much job better than the rest of us could would. We would be just guessing at whats cool, and you guys already know! I like this. I would much prefer to go somehwere other than the commons....ithaca has a repuation for really beautiful hikes and such, and I would love to see it! However, this weekend really is too soon for me, I'm pretty booked already due to friends visiting and homework I havent yet gotten a head start on. Next weekend would be much better for me. keep us posted! :)

tati said...

I went to the gorges once and it was so much fun! I would love to go again...maybe minus the huge bruise i got from landing on the water extremely hard and incorrectly. But its a nice walk and its a lot of fun!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Sorry if you've been waiting to hear from me, but this is actually the first I've been home all evening.

I agree with Colleen in that next weekend would probably work better. Not that I don't appreciate impulsivity, but with a group of our size, it will probably work better if we figure a plan out in advance. I would also like to give people a chance to give input on what general sort of thing they might like to do, before I start trying to figure out the details.
Following are the ideas I have. Please post here and let me know which one(s) interest you most (although this will probably go most efficiently if people try to mention only the one that they are most interested in doing), or email me. Please also feel free to suggest things on your own. I'm fairly familiar with what the local area has to offer, so feel free to ask.

1. Some sort of outdoor adventure. Seeing as we're still experiencing some pretty warm weather, we might go swimming at buttermilk falls or second dam. I prefer second dam, as it's a more enclosed area, there are opportunities for gorge jumping from various heights (from about 1 meter to about 15, and it's quite safe), and there is much more of the local flavor available. Buttermilk falls has a lifeguard, and feels much more like a swimming pool. There are also a variety of "dry" hiking experiences we could look into. Triphammer has a trail that takes about 20 minutes - half an hour with a beautiful waterfall at the end, although I think we'd need to organize some kind of transportation to get there.

2. Exploration of the Commons. I can show you around the best stores and places to eat with friends. (You may want to bring some money.) Additionally, it's easy to get to on foot from campus.

3. Going to see a movie together at the local indie film house, Fall Creek Cinema. Currently playing are Talk to Me, Goya's Ghosts, and Knocked Up (okay, granted, that's not indie, but we could still check out the theater, which is a great place to know about. It's five dollars a ticket, and I've never seen a movie I didn't love there.)

That's all I have for now, although if something else occurs to me I will post again. Let me know!

Unknown said...

Either this weekend or next works for me. I would love to get to know the Ithaca area better. Let me know what u guys decide. My email is

Anonymous said...

kerry.... choice one!!! i think that would definately be the most fun.

tati said...

i agree that choice one sounds the best...and next weekend works a lot better for me as well. :)

Megan said...

I think next weekend is best because my dorm is going to Second Dam this Sunday. I don't know which choice is the best because I'm already going to Second Dam but maybe exploring the Commons a little bit would be fun.

Anonymous said...

Ithaca Events!

Hello everyone! I found this website today browsing around the internet. Check it out. It has all the events for the Ithaca community. One in particular that i think would be a lot of fun would be the Ithaca Apple Festival which takes place on the commons. Here is what the site briefly said about it:

Apple Harvest Festival, Craft Show and Sale
Downtown Ithaca Commons
Ithaca, NY 14850
Fri 11am-7pm, Sat 11am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm.; FREE
A special regional festival featuring bountiful produce, apples, cider, baked apple goods. Craft fair, complete with performers, musicians, puppeteers, singers, story tellers, dancers, and band. A gala affair.

I think this is a great way for people to get introduced to the culture of Ithaca. Just figured i would throw that out there for maybe a second trip. Let me know what you think. :)

Anonymous said...

That apple festival sounds like a reasonable way to become aquainted with the area. Also, if anyone is going to the shin-dig tommorrow night at Pancho Villa, we could hang together as a group. Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind going somewhere either this weekend or next weekend. Problem with this weekend would be the weather, I'm looking outside right now and its pretty nasty out. I think the rain is supposed to keep going all weekend so maybe next weekend would be best, but whatever you guys want to do.

bekah k said...

I personally think this weekend is better, but that's apparently just me. it's just that my boyfriend is coming in next weekend and although he's welcome to come, i kind of wanted to show him around Ithaca myself. but i know by the responses already made we're doing it next weekend so yeah. i like the festival idea and the gorges idea though.

Anonymous said...

next weekend i'll be gone for volleyball, but i can just go to the commons with my roommates.

Chrissie Delvalle said...

I like Kerrys number 1!!!! I would like to go to the gorges. I dont know if I will have enough nerve to actually jump, but I will try! :) Next weekend is fine for me!

Anonymous said...

Hello again everyone. Just wanted to comment about the comment before mine. I am not sure you are allowed to "jump" off the gorges. I think the purpose for going would be to walk the trails and look at the natural beauty. Usually when people jump off of them they arent doing it for fun... I would just be careful about where you do jump if you decide to.

Unknown said...

Hi again. Looks like the following is emerging:

The weekend of the 16 and 17 is better.

People are expressing interest in seeing the gorges (Colleen - I'm not saying people should jump anywhere other than 2nd dam. I don't know if you've been there, but it's a sheer cliff (ie, no chance of landing on rocks/the rest of the cliff) over some very deep water. The only injuries I've ever heard of are people who jump the dam itself, which I really don't recommend.)

The apple fest is great. I usually go every year. It's definitely a great way to observe the local culture while simultaneously getting a good look at what the Commons have to offer. Colleen, can you tell me what dates it runs? My guess is the weekend of the 16-17, but I'd like to verify that (help much appreciated).

Personally, I think these might function best as two seperate trips, as both will need at least a couple hours to be experienced properly. Maybe Saturday could be Apple Fest day, from, say, noon to 2, and Sunday could be the trip to second dam at the same time? That way, there are more options available to fit people's schedules. How does that sound to everyone? Maybe we should discuss this a little during class in order to expidite the process.

Anonymous said...

The apple festival sounds like it would be really fun and a really great way to get to know Ithaca a little better. Since it is in the commons i feel like thats the best way to get to know IC. Unfortunately i am not sure if i will be around nest weekend because i am going home for the holidays. I will see you all in class on monday!!

Dani said...


I am happy you are communicating. It is ok to go in small groups also. I want you to become familiar with Ithaca and go beyond just the protective artificial shell of Ithaca College dorms to the wider world that is waiting for you out there. Ithaca is so beautiful and there is so much to see and explore.


Unknown said...

Dani: do you think we could take 5 minutes at the start of class tomorrow to talk about this?
